Sunday, July 6, 2014

I don't understand

This past week a gentleman died in East Point, Ga after repeated taser shocks. The attitude surrounding his death floors me! Yes, he committed a domestic crime and ran from the cops. His crime required, as it should have, that he went to jail. After getting handcuffed, he failed to get up quickly on command post taser use. T.V. even stated that the man told the cops he needed to catch his breath. Events went downhill. After multiple taser shots, he died.

Why don't the police require mandatory training on a yearly basis regarding their weapons? Just as an FYI, a Taser is considered to be a C.E.W. - Conducted Electrical Weapon.

March 1, 2013: the company who makes the tasers put out new guidelines. Go to and click on products then warnings. Click on the PDF link for law enforcement. Per their warning: the gentleman that the East Point cops tasered repeatedly met the description to expect problems, including death. All articles on the internet about taser safety stated the same thing. A taser causes strong muscle contractions. These make the person tased unable to control his or her body, meaning they cannot quickly stand.

Law enforcement needs to change their training for officers regarding taser use. The candidate standing on the mat shout be reminded they are lucky because the person they tase will fall on the ground or concrete. Have the candidate put on a football helmet with a face guard. Remind them that the person in the field will have no such protection. They're not to be assisted when they fall. As soon as they fall, two other trainers should start screaming for them to get up. Failure to stand in fifteen seconds should require another shock. This will help them to understand that the conducted electrical weapon they are being trusted with is 'not' a toy to  be abused.

Some friends read this and asked if I was not afraid of an officer paying me back. Told them that "Yes, but it will not stop me from stating what needs to be said" They then asked about the heart problem my son and I are under treatment for. We looked at each other and said in unison:

We will do the only thing we can: die with dignity.

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