Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Justice is not for the poor

I had always been in the middle economic class financially. Prolonged illness caused my financial status to drop to the lower economic class. Since I believe in living within my means, I  moved to a lower rent area. There I heard a cop say something that I had never heard before.

I was sitting outside with the ladies of the apartment complex. The cops were there arresting some drug dealers. One of the extra officers looked at us and spoke to the other officers. He stated that there was only two types of people that lived out in apartments that were low rent. The first type were the scum like the ones arrested. He made a point to look at us and state the other type were the ones not yet arrested.  I felt like I was a nothing that bothered him by being alive. According to him, we had to have done a crime that  had not been reported.

Freddie Gray was guilty of being poor. It has been brought into question that the cops had no real reason to arrest him. I have seen cops fall on people when they arrest someone who has made them angry. It is clear to anyone with eyes and education that severe damage is a high probability. The cops need to be educated on basic anatomy and take down procedures yearly.

Freddie Gray was not a saint. He would not be quite. This earned him restraints on his legs.  Yet,
this does not explain how a restrained man can suffer a spinal injury so severe that he quit breathing and required surgery. After a week in a coma, he died. No matter what this man  did, he was still a human being.and deserved to be treated as such.. He was treated like garbage and  there is no excuse for that.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.





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