Thursday, March 16, 2017

"Little Don-Don" and his cruel budget calls for a new moniker

At a different time in history, President Donald Trump would have found he had a new moniker
"Trump the Cruel."This name would come from his actions. It doesn't matter if this was not his intent. His actions will have serious and life altering / ending consequences for some. When that happens, actions become cruel intentions. It's one of those grown-up things he should have learned at the knee of a parental figure. It's easy to see how he gets away with it. Budget Director Mick Mulvaney defended this cruelty with a horrendous lack of compassion. See the last paragraph.

1.     He cut "The Community Block Grant" to state and local governments. That grant is used  to fund services to poor seniors. This can only be an attempt to decrease the senior population. It is the only way some seniors eat. They put back a little to eat on the weekends. That one meal given to them is how they eat the whole day. Causing any seniors to starve is cruel and hell worthy. Only the clueless think the local states can pick up the slack. Has "Little Don-Don" ever driven by a church food give away? More working Americans are standing in line.

As a single parent, I had only $150.00 dollars a month after bills to feed my son and myself. I gave up important medication in order for my son to eat. Applied for food stamps once. My income was certainly low enough. The person in charge gave me such grief that I stood up and left after telling her "I would rather starve on my feet than get on my knees to beg." Ate a lot of beans and rice. Learned to make fry bread. Picked from the old vegetable bin and cut out the bad spots before freezing. I could do this since a small store was two blocks away. What about the elderly who can't walk or see? Bus rides are not free. Bus rides for the disabled are not free and are expensive. These will be the ones to starve without Meals-On Wheels.

2.     Aid for poor college students has been cut. How can any American get ahead if funding to help goes away? Read the fourth link. It an eye opener. Little Don-Don needs to realize how many homeless struggle to go to college. What he needs to know is how many do not get enough to eat. After the homeless and hungry go, poor students become next to be slated to go.

3.     Little "Don-Don" where is your heart? Do you know anything about real families? The Low Income Home energy Assistance Program prevents families from having to choose heating over eating." Researchers in Boston have found a 30% increase in the number of underweight infants and toddlers in the winter months compared to rest of the year."

4.    After school and summer nutrition programs are scheduled for the ax. Somebody does not care if school age children get to eat at least one meal during week in the summer. Programs to enrich their minds and show them a different aspect of life go the way of the "Doe-Doe" bird.

5.     W.I.C. is  on the chopping block. It helps pregnant women, infants, and children get their proper nutritional needs met. This prevents lasting physical and mental impairment. I had to stop work in the last trimester of pregnancy. My heart stopped working correctly. What money that I saved went to bills and 1 bag of beans and rice per month. That lasted because I only ate a little every third day. W.I.C. kept me from starving those last two months. It helped with my son's milk the first two months. I went back to work. Women in this same situation have Trump to thank for no nutrition. Are their babies and children supposed to grow and live on water?

Budget Director Mick Mulvaney stated that the new budget reallocates and prioritizes funding and spending. The government doesn't care about the elderly and children. Smells too much like"Life unworthy of Life."Does Mulvaney realize that mankind swore never to go that way again? He gets more outrageous with his explanations. I wonder if he found a way to escape from Germany's past to the U.S.  PLEASE read the second link.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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