Thursday, March 9, 2017

Canadian judge ask woman who was raped, "Why she couldn't keep her legs together?"

Canadian judge Robin Camp may lose his job over his misogyny. He actually asked a rape victim "Why she couldn't keep her legs together to prevent her rape?" He resigned Thursday after a disciplinary council recommend he be removed. This male relied on stereotypes of rape victims and victim blaming in his judgment. This so called judge asked the woman if she was turned on by the size of the man's penis since it was supposed to be larger than normal. The woman repeated again that she was only attracted to women. The judge kept referring to this rape victim as the accused. This was wrong and low on a moral level. If the judges faith practice involved Karmic rebirth for mistakes made in this life, he would be at the lowest level.

The woman felt worse than bad. She actually contemplated suicide. I hope that the legal system finds her help and offers it to her. The judge needs to pay for his actions more than a slap on the back of his hand. There are some jobs where there is limited room for mistakes. Also there are jobs that have no room for mistakes.

I watched news feeds and information from the following links before blogging.

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