Friday, October 13, 2017

It's time to stop telling Puerto Rico about their debt and that the US can't be there forever

Puerto Rico is a United States Territory with about 3.5 million people.  On September 20, 2017,  Hurricane Maria struck the Island.  The government of Puerto Rico Knows that it is debt and doesn't need to be told about it. So far 45 people are dead and around 113 not accounted for.  The infrastructure was almost wiped out. It is about 3 weeks after the hurricane. About 80 to 85 % have no electricity. Almost 40% have no running water. Some parts of the island have no access to clean water or  food.

There is a humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico. No food or clean water equate death. When I was younger, there was a disaster. No one could get to the people. The military dropped leaflets telling people where they would drop food and water. They asked community leaders to be there to distribute it. It was done. Nothing yet in Puerto Rico.

Our President gives the appearance of having no heart. People are having to drink and give contaminated water to their children. This water that carries disease and all its portents. It is a trade off to avoid dying from lack of water.

People from Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Maria are still receiving help. They are on the main land. So they are in the direct public eye.  Puerto Rico is an island but it is a part of the United States. Its people are citizens.  President Trump told Puerto Rico that the US can't stay there forever. They are not in the direct public eye.  That is cold and bigoted. Who decided that main land citizens deserve help over Island citizens? Who decides when help has gone on long enough for Island citizens?

The full measure of makes a man is something that has been hotly debated. Several important figures in history agree on the following. It is not the bragging and boasting that a male does in public. It is what happens when no one is listening or watching.  Does he promote and do the right thing? This makes him a man and nothing else.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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