Monday, April 27, 2020

Parody from Randy Rainbow on what our Inglorious Trump said without thinking on National TV

Our Inglorious President Trump made some statements about what he thought should be explored in treatments about Covid-19. They were ill founded and not true. He fails to understand that some people will do whatever the President says without thinking. Perhaps he should listen to people in the Whitehouse who are there to help him.  More importantly he needs new reading material on his bedside table.  The following link also has a copy of what our Inglorious leader said about use of cleaners on TV.

I watched newsfeeds and read and read the following links before blogging.

A picture worth a thousand words

I have been ill for a while. Still do not have my sense of taste and smell back. Look at it like I have been given a way to lose weight. Started scrolling through news feeds and found the following picture that says a lot. Perhaps our Inglorious leader needs new reading material kept at his bedside table besides Mein  Kampf .

Took me since yesterday to figure out how to  transfer the picture. Hope all my readers stay safe and tell the people you care about that you love them every day.

I watched news feeds and read and re-read the following links before blogging.