Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) and serious questions about their diet!!!

The news each morning is filled with news of barbaric acts and atrocities Daehes and or Daw'ish (isis) have done in worship to their master Iblis. There is nothing off limits to these nasty street dogs. Plain murder did not get them hard enough. Cutting the heads off of adults and children has become old hat to them. Burning humans and burying children alive appears to have lost some of its appeal to them. Crucifixion of adults and children just jaded them.

A normal activity for communities world wide is to keep their land clean. This usually involves activities like picking up trash or raking leaves depending on the locale. In the areas infested by Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis), a normal community activity to clean up their environment takes on a darker side. Hidden Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) burial pits are uncovered. The bodies are examined to determine who they are and how they died. It became apparent that some of the bodies had surgical wounds. Exploration of these wounds showed missing body parts. The parts missing are presumed sold. Those in need of kidneys, hearts, or corneas would pay a ransom. People have no doubt that Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis)  according to the evidence murdered these people. They just do not want to believe anyone would be taking body parts to sell. That belief is strange to me. If you can bury a child alive or burn humans alive, there is nothing that is off limits. With this sub-group from hell, a different thought crossed my mind. Demons ghouls from hell indulge in  cannibalism. Has Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) developed the same tastes as ghouls?

I read information from the following links before writing this blog. Some of the articles are not for the sensitive.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) has forgotten who the People of the Book are

This morning I watched the news feed with a heavy heart. Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) has oozed into public view again. They have voluntarily allowed the jinn to obtain a hold on their souls. To please their master Iblis, they murdered kidnapped Christians in a brutal and painful way. Daehes and or Daw'ish (isis) has become the stuff that people need to scrape off the bottom of their shoe.

It is obvious that this collective group of hell's butt warmer wannabes gave up education in favor of rolling around in blood like rogue dogs and pigs. They have deliberately ignored and or twisted the teachings of the Koran. The Koran teaches that Christians and Jews are people of the book. They are to be respected and protected. All worship the same God. Muslims refer to him as Allah.

Hey! You offspring of nasty street dogs. Truth is the same from the beginning of time to the end of time. That is why the Bible, Koran, and other collective teachings of God are holy. Changing the teachings of God to suit your needs is wrong on so many levels.  Due to your ongoing service to Iblis, I doubt that you still have enough  mental capacity to self evaluate. Your endless time in hell supping on the fruits of Zaqqum will help your reflection on past deeds.

I read the following material before blogging. Please read  link one for definition of coward. Pay attention to the third definition. In particular the first example. Please read the true definition of jihad on link two. Note that the video and pictures of the crime of beheading are horrific.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Copenhagen Terror Attacks

Dahes and or Daw'aish  (isis) has spread their jinn  cancer again. Their hell inspired disease  has spread to  a troubled person in Denmark. The main symptom of this disease became apparent when a free speech  group was attacked. Dahes and or Daw'aish (isis) does not want true knowledge of  their service to their master Iblis known. If known, then people would avoid them. They would fail in their service to Iblis. He would come and collect their souls for his larder.

I read the following articles before blogging.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

President Obama Requests War Authorization

 President Obama has been giving the appearance of being reluctant to enter into a war against  Dahes and or Daw'aish (isis). He  has done the one thing that gives credence to this appearance, The President asked for war authorization

      Our congress can not agree on anything that is for the good of the people who elected them. Look at  the government shut down  stunt as an example. These elected individuals did this to back their own agenda.  They frightened disabled and older Americans on social security for no other reason than to feel smug. Families could not pay rent. If they wanted to do the right thing, they should abolish all their perks. The average working American has not seen the inside of a gym since high school. This is not because of being lazy but due to price.

I went to the following sites for information.

Speculation on Chapell Hill, North Carolina Shootings

     Three young lives full of promise were cut short when they were murdered execution style. The man who did this turned himself in to law enforcement. He claimed that he did this because of parking spot arguments. It is known that he has a history of anti-religious rants and confrontations with these young people. Let law enforcement sort it out during their investigation.

     Each of these three people were honorable. They followed the tenets of their faith practice. None of their expressed thoughts or actions were like the evil extremists terror groups the world is watching. This is America. All have the right to worship as their heart dictates. Their faith practice does not make them evil. They gave more in their short lives than many who read this. Pray for their families.

I read the material found at the following links before writing this blog.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Kyla Mueller and Daehes / Daw'aish (isis)

     Pray for the family of  Kyla Mueller. Her loss deeply affects her family. She cared for others and in the end was cared for in the hearts of all.

     Daehes / Daw'aish  (isis) treated Kyla Muelller as a thing. She was given as a gift to a official of  their hive. These spawns of hell could not even tell the truth about her death. Truth and honor remain a foreign concept to them.

     In Kyla's honor we need to come together as members of the human race. All hatred and fighting needs to stop. No more "piss fights between piss ants." For this instance, all need one thing. The  need to come together and eradicate the filthy disease called Daehes  / Daw'aish (isis).

I read the following articles before writing this blog

Friday, February 6, 2015

Russian and Ukraine Dispute

       I watched several news feeds this morning. Russian aggression toward Ukraine was featured on some of the feeds.This was denied by Russian officials so I did some research on line. The results should have floored me but they did not.

     V.Putin is the head of Russia which is a very large country. It has a rich history and culture. Putin's actions are what matter not the words that fall from his mouth. His mother should have taught him to own up to anything that you do wrong. Getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar does not mean people will believe you when you say that you did not do it. Remember that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it is a duck.
I went to the following links for information for this blog.

Daehes / Daw'aish (isis) Replaces Hitler as the Measure for Evil

     Daehes / Daw'aish (isis) continues to find new barbaric acts to commit. Hitler and his horde maimed, mutilated, tortured, and killed in every possible way. Their Doctors worked at inventing new ways to destroy life. Hitler and his horde have now been replaced  by Daehes / Daw'aish. This collection of demon excrement in their desire to serve their master Iblis have surpassed Hitler by sheer determination. They perverted the teachings of Muhammad as icing on a cake for Iblis.

     These  spawns from hell continue to destroy human life in horrible ways. The recent death of a Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage shows their demon inspired determination. They at the same time have targeted a group that can not fight back. Children are who they have fixated on. Every faith practice forbids this including Islam. That does not matter to Daehes / Daw'aish. There has been mass executions of boys. Some children have been beheaded. Crucifixion is also used on children. Scroll down to the link on this practice to find out how horrific this practice is. Their perverted sexual urges are sated on these children That is not the worst atrocity in their bag of evil deeds. Children are buried alive. Their terror and screams make them feel important in their service to Iblis.

     Children not murdered in barbaric ways are turned into child soldiers. Before they learn how to be responsible adults in a community, their emotional and psychological growth is halted. The perverted and demonic views of their trainers changes them. They become worse than their trainers who captured them.

    Nations must come together and act to stop this. A court and trial needs to be held like the Nuremberg Trials. Sentences to be carried out immediately. History repeats itself if no lessons are learned.

 I went to the following links for information.

Vaccinate Your Children

Parents have the right to decide for their child most of the time. When their decisions affect the health of their child, they do not. Every child deserves  the right to be able to grow up to the age of majority without medical problems caused by parental lack of knowledge. Adults, children, and infants who medically can't take vaccinations desire the right not to get horribly sick or die from a child's preventable illness. Go to the links below for information.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Daehes / Daw'aish (i.s.i.s.) Burned a Man Alive

     It is well known that Daehes / Daw'ish  chose  to pervert the teachings of Muhammad. They slapped Allah by torturing, maiming, and murdering his creations. According to the Koran, women and children were never to be treated so profanely. Daehes / Daw'ish took the greatest pleasure in this action. In order to serve their master Iblis they try to outdo each other in barbaric acts. When Israfil blows his horn, they will be totally clueless till they taste the fruit of Zaqqum.

     In their desire to please their master Iblis, they caged a captured Jordanian pilot. (This pilot was a devout Muslim.) Then in their rush to please, they burned him alive. That was not enough evil. The next thing they did was to desecrate his body. Rogue dogs and other animals are put down quickly. We ( the world) need to put together a world court similar to what carried out the  Nuremburg  Trials. These Jinn enhanced humans need to be tried and sentenced for their crimes. The sentence to carried out in 24 hours.

I went to the following links for information. The video's and pictures are too graphic to watch or look at.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The National Budget

     It's good that the President  has the budget out. Already the prelude to bad behavior between the President and Congress has started. The upper and middle economic class are mentioned in a liberal manner. Again the President fails to mention the lower economic class. We are here and do not plan to vanish. You need to remember the lower economic class are the ones who flip your burgers,cleans your house, and drives you to work. Best of all we vote and are looking at your actions closely and evaluating your poor memory of our existance. By-the-way, in your desire to find money have you cut the perks of  congress? How many hours a day do they work? Exactly what has each done? Bitching and Belly-aching do not count.

I went to the following sites and read the material before blogging. You can google The National Budget and get much more information.

Murder has no "Take Backs" or "Do Overs"

     I watched several major news channels this morning with the predominate stories about murder. The reasons varied from greed to preventing someone from moving on without them. Noted the same terrorist groups continue to pervert the word of God / Allah. That action is their justification for the murders they do in service to their true God - Iblis. God / Allah never said to kill women and children.

     As adults, we have failed our youth. Parents need to research the laws of the state they live in. Their children may not be able to drink till they reach the age of 21. Yet, they can get life in prison or worse before they reach their teens. Reference the link to the slenderman stabbing. These 12 year old girls are being tried as adults. They will face adult punishment. Children need to learn from an early age that all actions have a consequence. Murder is final. It can not be taken back or done over.

     Terrorists should have been taught the lesson that I taught my son. It does not matter what words fall from your lips or what actions you take. Words and actions will be held to accountability three times. The first time will be when the the words or action happened. If you did it, stand up and take the consequences as a man. I'll be upset at you but will never stop loving you. But, if you forget your manhood training and run, stop. The U.S. Marshals don't  forget and never stop looking. People are caught 20 to 30 years later and go to jail. If you get away, remember you will have to face God for judgement.You can't run or hide from God.

    Perhaps that is the problem with terrorist. Besides the major problem with their psychological state being stuck in the Id. These men were not  given manhood training by an appropriate father figure. Absence of a male in the family is no excuse. My son is a college graduate. He does not smoke,drink, or do drugs. He works and has no children out of wedlock. It was hard but a single mother can do what is necessary.  If they had manhood training and still murdered, they need to be stopped to face justice.

The following links are what I read before writing this blog.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pray for Jordanian Hostage

Daesh or Daw'aish who many know as Isis may have bitten off more than they can chew. They captured a Jordanian pilot. Since his capture he has not been seen alive.  Daesh /Daw'ish usually parades their captives like children playing a game of keep away. They refused to give Jordan proof of life in order to get their failed suicide bomber back. Ignoring their request and/or pretending that it wasn't made does not mean you can roll over Jordan. They will deal with you. By-the-way, I saw a video of the failed suicide bomber. Where did you  go "trolling" to find her? My question is what group home did you take her from? The red jinn that inhabits your bodies must be getting desperate.

Please click on the following links for more information.