Friday, December 19, 2014

Kim Jong-un and his numerous hackers

Hey guys. As always please check the blue bars for hyperlinks.

Can't get the morning news out of my mind. The visual images created by this little man are just bad. He needs handles by his side to smack his ass each time he makes a verbal spectacle of himself. It's a hope that they can help him remember he's a leader of a great country with people in need. And what am I referring to, you ask? I am referring to the economic needs of North Korea. Being hungry is not a crime. Hunger is the crime. What makes it criminal is when people starve to over fund a country's military.

The visual image this man is generating I saw on the news today was strange as hell. As the boat pulled away, what looked like sixty people dressed as soldiers ran to the shore. Instead of saluting or waving, their arms were held up in a surrender with each finger splayed out and rigid. Some even ran into the water waist high. They stopped on a dime as if synchronized and the look on their face, instead of adulation, was of one, as a friend who saw the TV with me said, "I surrender. Don't shoot!"

Kim stated the numerous hackers who tried to shut down the movie 'The Interview' were not following his orders. They did it out of love for the man. Hell, Kim, I'd do the same thing to avoid what you do to people who piss you off.

If they were not following your orders, why were they a member of Bureau 121 in North Korea and trained in a Korean university?

As a pro tip, telling Sony they were good for listening to you is not helping your cause. Reinforcing that with a threat of what will happen if the movie is released in any form makes you look like a petulant child. You're treating Sony like a bad dog, forgetting a dog will bite you on your ass when least expected.

Finally: sharing email content is so fucking yesterday and shallow and old, man! Most cognizant adults realize everyone in one way or another say things they should not. People will reply: Guess I screwed up. I'll do better next time. Tell your hackers that their methods are calling cards that Law Enforcement and others are using to trace to North Korea.

Daesh, Daw'aish, or Dahes

Hey guys. Remember to click the blue bar for links!

Today was the first time I heard the name Daesh on the TV. Instead of I.S.I.S., the U.S. and other countries, as well as other groups fighting I.S.I.S. began to use the acronym of Daesh. It comes from I.S.I.S's full Arabic name.

Daesh, I get now why you don't like the name. Nobody likes loss of control of self, or anything to do with self. It's a small taste of what you have done though, Daesh, to others, and will keep on doing as the Red Jinn inhabit your souls.

Remember, again:

Daesh has taken on a meaning beyond Jihadist control; in the plural form Daw'aish, it means bigots who impose their view on others. 

I guess, then, that's why you guys are declaring death threats against those who use the name, Daesh?  I mean you don't like that it sounds like Daes, meaning One who crushes something underfoot, or Dahes, one who sows discord. 

From now on, most of the world will know you as Daesh, or Dahes or Daw'aish.

I personally like Daw'aish so that's what I am going to call you as it describes you to a Tee.

Islam, before you showed up and perverted it, was a religion of peace. It's name meant 'Submission to God' which is a grand and wonderful state of being. Instead, O Daw'aish, you chose to punch God in the face. This happened when you forgot all humans are God's creations and you chose to maim, mutilate, torture and kill them. What's worse, you lead a lot of them away from the worship of God.

By doing this, Daw'aish, you have left the grace of God. As you left God's grace, you became apostates of Hell and of Iblis, your true master. Your actions have earned you the monikers of Daesh, Daw'aish or Dawes. They fit you perfectly as they reflect the rot in your souls and reflect that you are something that a decent human scrapes off the bottom of his or her shoes, like dog crap and other najis

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Taliban a.k.a. Apostates from Hell

As always, guys, there will be some blog links at the end of this post:

The Taliban, like I.S.I.S., has come out of the closet and declared Iblis as it's new lord and master. It wasn't enough to murder and torture people different from them. They killed, and are still killing people like a normal person drinks water. Infrastructure in the Taliban region is crumbling due to bombs and fires. People who could keep the infrastructure repaired are murdered and mutilated.

It has now progressed to where they shoot down children at schools like flies. At the time I'm writing this, over 126 children are dead with the number expected to rise. The apostates from hell are destroying the land.

They are killing thousands for the sheer joy of it, while slapping God in the face by declaring the killings honor Him. They relentlessly are destroying infrastructures to make the land unlivable.

They have now progressed to killing children so the land is filled with dust. Iblis has trained those apostates well.


1) Pakistanian Taliban attack at Peshawar School from BBC

2) Story intake from

3) NBC's take on the story

4) Reuter's story about the attack

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I.S.I.S. - The Minions of Hell

Islam is a religion of peace. Or it was until psychopaths, sociopaths and sexual deviants perverted it. Truth is the same from the beginning of time to the end of time. All faith practices have false prophets who warp the teachings of God (Zeus, Aten, Yahweh, Allah, et al.) to suit their base desires.

I.S.I.S. declared Iblis as their lord when they handed out a pamphlet Friday after prayers. It was called "Questions and Answers on taking slaves" This booklet gave guidance on rape and enslavement of non-Muslim women and children. This included young children as well! Murder, torture, bestiality are no longer their nom de plume. Now they progress to enslavement of females from pre-puberty upward.

There's no sickness that I.S.I.S. would not absorb into their fold. Every deviancy they can imagine, they partake of.  I.S.I.S. will add their touch to any evil that turns a human stomach or is considered an abomination by any sentient being.

False prophets are bound for hell. They will receive their special attention from Iblis personally. It's the responsibility of every man, woman and child to know the true word of God. Following the teachings of a false prophet will get you a one way ticket to hell.

I.S.I.S. is past the point of redemption. When Isafil blows his horn, I.S.I.S. will not be going with him. Iblis will be coming to collect the dead meat personally for his larder.

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Hi guys. Please be aware there are links at the bottom of the page:

So. I read the recent C.I.A. torture report with an open bottle of nitroglycerin for the chest pain it gave me. Every American out of high school should have to read this. Those who can't read it should have it read to them. Why? This SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. That wish, though, won't happen until education occures.

All members of the Federal Government should be forced to listen to a recording of the torture report. Those who voice complaints during the recording should be gagged. Why? Our government need appropriate education as well as all associated agencies.

I did note on TV several times in the past years that the C.I.A. and other agencies demonstrated water boarding. They forgot one thing: on those subjects, their feet were not elevated above their heads. In the report all prisoner had their feet elevated over their heads. Elevating the feet above the head causes the abdominal cavity to put pressure on the diaphragm. This is the muscle at the base of the lungs used in breathing. In this position, breathing is very difficult. Now try to drown the person with water boarding. It is not just discomfort, as some of the asses have tried to say. This is a real, physical pain with oxygen deprivation and a massive wave of fear. Take it from me, ladies and gentlemen, ice water in the lungs is a mind numbing pain and fear. Question: why doesn't the C.I.A. demonstrate on
one of their subjects this way? Don't do it to the level you did to the prisoners, but do it on national TV a little less than 50 times and let everyone see how the subject would handle it.

Addressing the deviants who rectally fed prisoners: these prisoners had no medical documented need for this!! Your own medical staff called it a means of control. If you deviants don't get that, then let me spell it out: your actions meet a definition of torture.

Know what disturbs me more? You kept secret for seven years the person who died from hypothermia. The untrained idiot torturer who did this and was rewarded $2,500 for what wound up being murder.The sickening secret of the two who were punished and found to be innocent should haunt your dreams nightly. They won't forget the ice baths and sleep deprivation that went for 55 and 66 hours

For the most of this torture, all of your people who did this were untrained. The two psychologists who were responsible for said program had zero training in interrogation. A psychologist is NOT a MEDICAL DOCTOR!

An idiot knows in this setting that medical staff has to be separate from the governing body. This way, there can be no influence. Their say in who  is not to be tortured should  be only their decision. Put it down on a document and submit it to a separate governing authority. This document should list all torture injuries and they are NOT to be denied access to all prisoners on a daily basis. two cents here.

Everyone at those prisons, or more commonly known as torture sites, needs to be registered. No exception! Nobody will be lost that way from the C.I.A. or other agencies. There will also be no way the C.I.A. or other agencies can lie about their existence.

The saddest and scariest thing about this is this is a repeat of history. Hitler used some of the same lies to try to cover his ass. People claimed then they were only following orders when they killed, and they could not escape justice. Tell me why some of our own torturers should be any different? We know better. We..know better! WE KNOW BETTER!!!

CIA Torture report story from Mother Jones

Britan's report on this

Another take on the torture report

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


As a nation, we take the consequences for the actions of the dishonorable dogs in the CIA. Enhanced interrogation techniques are perfumed spritzed words covering a pile of turds.No matter how much perfume is sprayed on a pile of crap, the same smell will remain. Googling the word torture, and reading through a few pages should be adequate preparation for reading the C.I.A. Torture Report recently released.

The reading may be a little bit difficult and painful due to the content inside, about as painful as watching the CNN report the afternoon it was released. As parents we punish our children for bold faced lies. Depending on the severity of the lie, we discipline them and restructure their lives. Where adults are concerned, we usually send them to prison.

Because they're in government though, they'll likely get off.
Other nations are pushing us to charge the people who did this as war criminals.

Some in that CIA report are going on the TV stating they were following orders. Hitler's men tried that tactic and it didn't work. Doing wrong because someone told you to do so does not free you of the consequences.

There are people claiming the information they obtained was good. A lot of Americans, including myself, do not believe that. Please, if you do believe it was good information, list each fact obtained and what life was saved. I'll be waiting. I'll not listen, though, if you dip into politician double speak.

It comes down to this, people: The CIA hurt folks. Laws were ignored. It was done to please a few sadists. Dammit, we're supposed to be better than I.S.I.S.!

Monday, December 8, 2014

C.I.A.-Torture is Unacceptable

Hey guys.

Anyone who uses torture to find answers is a coward. The person being tortured will say or do anything to make the pain stop. Because of this, all answers are suspect. Ever more so if the person who is doing the torture is doing so for their own pleasure.

The Urban Dictionary defines a coward as someone who has male genitalia but no idea of what it means to be a man. Torture is a shame to our country and to our founding fathers. No matter how loud an organization brays that they were doing what they felt was needed to protect our country, the organization was wrong! Squealing loudly, twisting their tongue or twisting their behind will not change a wrong into a right.

Right or Wrong, this is my country and I stand with it. We need to admit our wrongdoing and accept the consequences and learn from it. Hitler did what he did proclaiming he was protecting Germany. We're so much better than him.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Al Quaeda - Shaitan's other children

No matter what the faith practice is, all that matters is that a person has a belief in diving being. (God, Yahweh, Allah, etc.)

Al-Quaeda, though, meets the definition of terrorism listed on Urban Dictionary's website:

"A person engaging on planning and execution of heinous acts intended to kill innocent people and scare everyone else" 

Al-Quaeda, you can twist your tongue, twist your head, or twist your behind, you are still wrong regardless of how loudly you profess your beliefs. Killing people who don't agree with you is a sign of a weak mind and base morals. A diseased rogue dog in the final stages of rabies is more morally upright than you.

You have hot headed imams, those liars who lead you to the pathway to hell. Did you know that the Urban Dictionary has an appropriate definition for them? Their tenth definition of liar is:

"Someone who speaks false prophecy"

When you killed that innocent journalist, you violated the teachings of the Quran. Red Jinn have a firm grip inside each of you and are setting up shop. Just to let you know, when Isafil blows his horn, you will go with I.S.I.S. to the larder of Iblis, he who awaits you with an intense hunger.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Is Al-Quaeda jealous of I.S.I.S.?


Al-Quaeda is going to murder a U.S. Journalist in three days unless the U.S. capitulates to their wishes.


Are they jealous of  I.S.I.S.? Are they wanting to lower their standards? Are they rabid dogs?

Is this their attempt to get the Red Jinn to inhabit them? Do they want to become willing tools for Iblis? Do they have penis envy? Did they jelq too hard?

Honest minds want to know.

Monday, December 1, 2014

In Re: Ferguson Missouri

The demonstrations continue all across the country. People are tired of injustice. Did we forget though that the injustice is not only dealt out to African Americans?

I discovered it also applied to all of the lower economic class, when I had dropped from the middle economic class. An example is what a police officer told me one day about where I lived: "There's only two types of people who live here. Those who commit crimes and those I've not caught yet"

Asking him about people like me, who lived within their means, dumbfounded him. I left him standing in the courtyard and went back inside.

Demonstrators need to change the way they're going about trying to make a change. They forget that small steps are the key. Find a congressional representative to start a bill that forbids all law enforcement agencies from investigating deaths by one of their own. Demonstrate to get support for the bill. When it happens, move on to another issue. Change the system from within! Name the bill after Michael Brown.

Abukar Shekau

The male humanoid mentioned above is the head of Boko Haram. Boko Haram means that Western or Non-Islamic education is a sin.Their actions show that it means they are against all forms of education. An educationally deficient person is easier to control and intimidate.

Google his name. Read the articles. I'll wait.

See this one statement?

"I enjoy killing anyone that God commands me to kill - the way I enjoy killing chickens and rams"

Hearing voices that nobody hears is a sign of a major mental illness. Did someone forget to tell him that? Nah. Instead..

His ability to inspire his followers to commit horrific acts of brutality and murder against women, children and physically weak men show one thing: the humanoid's repressed homosexual tendencies has helped unbalanced him and has spread to others of his group. He should just come out of the closet,

The man's love of big shiny weapons is a clue to his mental age. Mr. Shekau accuses others of perverting Islam. He does this only when people do not agree with him or fail to bow down and kiss his ass.

Illogical and delusional thinking go hand in hand with mental illness. Mr. Shekau should go to his nearest mosque and offer a resignation as leader of Boko Haram and apologize to all mankind. Even better if this was live on television. When it's done he should be given instruction on the fundamentals of Islam.

Finally, he should be locked in a mental ward. Light should be kept on him for Sixteen hours a day, as demons don't like the light and his soul was corrupted into a tool for Iblis. There should be recording of the Quran played twenty four hours a day. After about twenty to thirty years of this treatment he may be sane enough to face trial for crimes against humanity.

And..ok. My son has this to say:

"When a Sith Lord calls you ice cold and a sick bastard, it's time to rethink your life goals. You should not emulate them"