Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish burns woman alive for refusing extreme sex

The first link  that I have below has listed 10 reasons why terrorism is wrong. Each reason has verses from the Quran to back it up. The Quran is the holy book of the Islamic faith.

 Daesh /Daw'aish has violated the teachings of its Holy book. This in itself has earned them many servings of the fruit zaqqum. No matter who or what demon has told them its fine with Allah /God to violate these teachings, they are not off the hook on judgement. They will join the false teachers and can supp on zaqqum with them in hell.

They cemented their final resting place in hell  with their change in faith worship. For what ever reason they chose to worship and give homage to iblis. They torture, maim, butcher and kill in new and more barbaric ways every week. They inflict these atrocities on men, women, and children of all ages. Humans are not enough. The last two links deals with videos of isis raping animals. No one is ever free from the prying eyes of video cams even in the desert.

Daesh / Daw'aish has started a sexual jihad against women. They even have a handout to teach other sociopaths how to be involved in this barbaric act. These demons are in the process of genocide against the Yazidi in their country. The only crime of the Yazidi is worshiping Allah different from Daesh / Daw'aish. All males 14 and up are butchered. All females are sold into slavery as sex slaves. This includes girls as young as 9.

A walking boil from inside the anus of iblis has decided to become more evil than the rest. His 20 year old Yazidi sex slave refused to participate in an extreme sex act. This prevented his homage to iblis. he burned the young woman alive instead. It takes a complete dedication to the evil of iblis to direct and watch such a crime.

I believe that I understand why Daesh / Daw'aish brutalizes and kills women. They have small genitals. This leads to difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection. The "Little Blue Pill" is most likely not available to them. Prolonged sexual frustration can lead to violent outbursts and mental problems. With no laws to stop murder of innocents in their area, they take their frustrations out on people who can not fight back.

I wonder about their time in hell. Will they become the bitch of an ugly demon whose penis is a torture instrument? I can only hope so and that they service many demons repeatedly.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Daesh / Daw''aish and Australia

Daesh /Daw'aish reaches out to all countries for one purpose. They direct their appeal to clueless youth and those with varying stages of mental illness. Those in full control of their thought processes do not fall prey to the painted lies Daesh / Daw'aish concocts while serving Iblis.

The pubescent  pie-in-the-sky lies of   Daesh / Daw'aish  (aka rogue street dogs) appeals to clueless youth of all countries. When the reality of what they were told does not match real life, many want to go home. Those that try to leave or voice the desire to do so are murdered. Some females are married to fighters. The majority are forced into brothels. They service the sexual needs of anybody who wants them. These girls can not say no and live.

Daesh / Daw'aish always attracts the mentally ill. No where else can they kill anyone who does not agree at will. The part they like the most is they don't really have to have much of a reason to kill. Butchering people of all ages in any manner they choose draws them in like flies. Rape of any female of any age is like icing on a cake. The sexual jihad is their cup of tea.

Australia is faced with the recruiting actions of these rogue street dogs. I admire the stern resolve of this country. They intend to punish those who join Daesh / Daw'aish. Those who join and commit crimes will be punished on return if they can return. More countries need to adopt this stance,

I read the information in the following links and watched news feeds  before blogging,

Monday, May 25, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish kings of barren rockpiles

Daesh /Daw'aish has gained control of most of  Iraq. Iraq soldiers ran from  Daesh / Daw'aish at Ramadi without fully engaging them in combat. This allowed the rogue street dogs to take control without much effort. They took Palmyra without thought or effort as well.

Now Daesh / Daw'aish have  returned to their old ways of worship at the altars of Iblis. They have destroyed the infrastructure of the area's inquestion. If its gone or breaks, no one is available to build or repair anything. People who could have done these jobs have fled the country. Those who haven't left have been murdered. To further please their master Iblis, children have been murdered.

Rogue street dogs can't be reasoned with. Like an infection, they consume life. I do not like to see any soul lost. Even I have learned that a person can not be turned to the light if they enjoy the dark.  Daesh /Daw'aish do not want to have their souls saved. They willing gave them up to iblis and are happy with that decision. They will discover that wanting to worship iblis is not the same as actually doing so.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Biker Brawl equals Biker Shame

At the Twin Peaks resaturant in Waco, Texas, an incident happened that should not have. Estimated 3 to 5 biker gangs according to the links below met to hash out territory. With no regard to the innocent men.women and children, a war broke out. It started as a fight with fists and feet and escalated to chains,knives and guns. Luck happened and it spilled into the parking lot. The police were close by and had to use their guns. Several were arrested and around 100 detained. The police will monitor for those looking for revenge. Some biker gangs carry themselves with honor and respect families. The actions of others beg for police supervision.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pakistan Taliban cowards use suicide car bomber in Kabul

The Urban Dictionary gives the best definition for what a coward is. See the below link to this site.  I refer to the third definition of the word. 

"A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man."

During war or conflict, men fight other men while engaged in a physical battle. Rogue street dogs kill innocent people going about their daily life for the sheer joy of doing so. These dogs have such a mental deficit that they don't understand that their actions serve Iblis not Allah /God.  Jinn inhabit these  hell bound  dogs and lead them to  more sins in their service to Iblis.

A normal human would use the legal system within the country for change. They would  rally people to help with this. Getting angry like a mentally ill child  who kills those who make him mad solves no problem. All it does is let Iblis know that another deluded soul is his. He makes sure there is enough fruits of zaqqum for soul each he wins

I read information in the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish has another one go home to Iblis

Abu-Sayyaf was targeted by special forces. They tried to capture him alive. He chose to fight. The special forces men fought back and ended him There were about a dozen minions of hell who were ended  Sayyaf.  They went with Sayyaf to serve and have a face to face with their master Iblis. Iblis has extra  fruits of zaqqum just for these recruits. These anal secretions from the seat of Iblis's underpants have tortured,  maimed, mutilated, raped and killed  man the greatest creation of Allah /God. They perverted the words of their own Holy book (Quran) to try to justify their actions.  Abu-Sayyaf organised ways of getting the money to commit these barbaric acts. He may have not been captured alive but we got his records and lap top computers. Also, I understand cell phones were found and taken. The information we needed was obtained this way.

 Um Sayyaf the wife of Abu-Sayyaf was captured. She is currently being interrogated. At the same time that this was going on, the special forces task force rescued the Yazidi  slave that this couple had with them. This woman (Um Sayyaf)  may have had a lot to do with human slavery. May she live a long time in prison before going home to Iblis.

May all the top leaders of Isis take a deep breath before looking outside. That strange noise is nothing to worry about. Look closely at the sky. That noise is just the birds. Lay down at night with ease in the same house night after night. Nobody knows where you live. The relatives of the people you tortured, maimed, mutilated, raped and killed don't hold grudges. You should be safe. (Maybe)

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Al-baghdadi speaks

Al-baghdadi was severely injured in a drone attack. He was replaced for a time. That individual was supposedly killed. Now an audio recording from Al-baghdadi has been released. He wants Muslims everywhere to come and fight. If they can't, he wants them to wage war where they are. This apostate of Iblis still lets his body be inhabited by red jinn. He seems to be in a hurry to sup on the fruits of zaqqum. There are those who would happily arrange a face to face with Iblis for him.

 At night, those sounds outside his window are nothings to worry about. When he hears another pick up the phone when he calls someone, its just his imagination The sounds he hears in the sky are just birds. He just needs to wait. The next time, the job will be completed and he can serve Iblis in person.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Congressional double standards

Congressional double standards are disgusting. Congress is trying to cut funding to programs that will leave the young, elderly, and disabled  without basic needs. I worked hard when younger. It was the only way to own a car and land. My bank account had a nice balance. Illness is no respecter of anybodies plans. My insurance premiums tripled. Money went fast. I had to sell everything except for a few items of clothing. Suddenly like the rest of the lower economic class in American, I didn't matter.  My Social Security Disability is now what pays the rent.

No rent money means that I will have no place to live.  Congressmen I will make a deal with you. I'll live under a bridge if you will. Don't think that either one of us will like it. I probably will fare better. I've done without while working hard. My survival skills have been honed out of necessity. Many times I have had to forage for wild food in order to eat.  It's hard when rent and utility bills are higher than take home income. Don't think that any of you has ever worked hard for the low wage mandated by the federal government.. Taking from other programs when you are on the working persons level lands you in jail. Grocery stores won't give you free food because you talk real slick. Being hungry is not a nice feeling, There are no organizations to help if you don't have a house or post office address.

Lets talk Medicare. Are you for real? What are you going to cut?  Fewer Dr.'s now accept it because of low payout. Those that do want their 20% that day. If I had that kind of money, I would have private insurance.  Hospital's  don't like it. Want to be feel ashamed as well as sick? Tell  hospital admissions all you have is Medicare.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what I get from Medicare. Medicare part D means that I can now get my insulin every month. I have gone for several years without insulin before. It taught me a new and deeper meaning of the word sick. Doctors ignored me when I told them I could not afford to buy insulin. These same Doctors also refused to work with agencies who would help with medication. Their lawyers told them not to fill out the paperwork. Social workers had nothing to offer. I quit asking for help when a social worker gave me an address to a place in Nevada, It made me fell worthless to know that the best the social worker saw for me was to sell my body for money to buy insulin. She told me it was legal at that place. In the last ten years, I have had two hospital bill collectors tell me that I needed to hustle on the streets so the hospital could be paid. There are others in the same situation as me.

I call double standards for a good reason. All of you were elected to work in congress. Why do you have perks? Who pays for them and how much money is being wasted on them? If you want to cut basic services to those in need, stop, Money should be cut first from these programs.  Do you punch a time clock and if not why? How do you account for your time each day? John and Jane Q. Public elected the lot of you to work.They punch a time clock for their pay. So at the very least start signing in and out daily. Publish these sheets on line to show your voters what you are doing on a daily basis.

America elected members of congress to work for the good of the country and all its people. There is no royalty in this country. Stop trying to set one up. Everyone in this country matters. I am now in the lower economic class. Our social and moral codes are higher than what congress has shown. What is more important, is the one thing congress has forgotten. Every member of the ,lower economic class as well as the homeless has a vote. Why should we vote for those who deny us basic needs and try to ensure the young, old, and disabled don't survive?

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jundallah of Pakistan - A child of Iblis

The Pakistani Taliban pulled a splinter from its behind and discarded it. Iblis touched it and gave it life. Jundallah was born. Being born from evil, it has claimed association with Daesh /Daw'aish. Now Jundallah shares the fecal encrusted underpants of  (Iblis) with Daesh / Daw'aish.

I speak badly of these groups for one reason. They torture, maim, mutilate, and kill  God's /Allah's  creation - man. The prophet Mohammed looks down with tears in his eyes for their perversion of his words.

Six people in this group rode up to a bus on motorcycles. They entered the bus with 9 mm's and killed 43 and injured 20. The people were Shia Muslims. Jundallah attacked them because according to them the Shia are kafir. Kafirs original meaning was "one without religion.'' The Shia Muslim have faith / religion. They just do not worship as the Taliban and Jundallah want them to. So, they ensure
their spot in hell by making true martyr's of the Shia Muslims and others. Iblis has plenty of the fruits of zaqqum for the Taliban and Jundallah.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds.

Amtrak train derails in Philadelphia

Amtrak train Regional 188 from New York to Washington, D.C., derailed around 9:30 p.m.. The train consisted of 6 cars and 1 engine. On board there was 238 passengers and five crew. There were 136 people who went to the hospital Six of these people suffered critical injuries. At this time 3:13 am  eastern time Five people have lost their lives. Pray for the passengers and their families or keep them in your positive thoughts.

Update : 5/13/2015 3:24  pm   At this this time, There 7 dead, 200 injured, And 8 have critical injuries.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bangladesh blogger hacked to death

It has happened  in Bangladesh for the third time in a short period of time. Ananta Bijoy Das was hacked to death by Islamic extremist on the streets of Bangladesh. Like the rogue street dogs they are, they waited till they found a section of street with no one else  These murders hide behind religion not faith. These disciples of Iblis use intolerance to fuel their deluded ideas of  what  is pleasing to God / Allah.  I copied the definition of intolerance  from and included it below. Pray that the leaders of this country which is secular punish these bloggers murderer's.

lack of toleranceunwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs   contrary to one's own.
I read information from the following links before blogging.

Nepal hit by second earth quake

Nepal has been hit by another earthquake. The previous earthquake was a 7.8 and this one is a 7.3. In the first earthquake 8,000 were killed and 18,000 injured. Help is just arriving in Nepal for affected areas from the first earthquake. This second earthquake has had after shocks in the 5.0 and above range. If you can help see the links below. Please keep these people in your positive thoughts and or prayers.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

I found these sites to donate money for help. Please check out the orgabization before you donate. Keep these people in your prayers or your positive thoughts.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Two Hattiesburg, Mississippi police officers killed

All lives matter even those of police officers. Two police officers were shot and killed in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. It is time for the killing to stop on both sides.  These two police officers were shot doing their  job. The police are not always liked and their governing system of checks and balances are not what they should be. Yet, that gives no one the right to take their lives. They are doing what they were called to do. Some people will follow the law. Because not everyone will do so, law enforcement is needed and necessary.

Work within the system to make a change. Every individual of legal age in this country can vote. Find someone that you feel can make a difference by doing a better job and organize people to vote for them. Be a part  of your community that brings change for the better.

 Life today has people elbow deep in alligators. Don't throw another one on the pile.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mathew Ajibade and taser use

Mathew Ajibade died in jail. He was in a restraint chair in  isolation. How many times was this person tased? The fact that 9 police officers were fired over this states loudly that a problem existed. Only absolute clarity about the facts will prevent talk of a cover up. Please go to the following site and read the information  about tasers that came out in 2013 for law enforcement.

This incident underscores the need for mandatory law enforcement ongoing education. A bi-polar person in a manic phase needs immediate hospitalization for psychotropic medication and sedation. Then when they are in control with the correct medication, arrest them and take them to jail.  The excessive use of a taser resulted in his death according the following link. Watch the video. I read the information in the links following and watched news feeds before blogging

Some law enforcement officers commit serious crimes - "Duh !"

Law enforcement officers are a necessary evil.  No matter how evolved we are, humans fail to police themselves. This makes law enforcement a necessary evil. There are laws that give them power because they need it to do their job. This is where the problem starts.

This problem is easy to identify. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. A system of checks and balances is either missing or has no teeth. That makes the actions of a police officer subject to his own integrity. I have met one with integrity. Also have been involved in more than a few arguments over the fact that I feel and hope that there may be more out there. These arguments have been with people from low to high economic status.

To me, nothing is scarier than being a jail inmate. It is because jail employees like most law enforcement fail   to recognize that all lives matter. Working health care in various states  has caused this feeling to grow deep inside me. I have been trained since childhood to watch how other people are treated. Life is in constant change. Depending on change, I could be in that persons shoes receiving the same "special" treatment. The mildest things I have seen are disrespect, humiliation, denial of use of a bathroom. and refusal to let a inmate eat.  Yes, I did speak up and I can't count the number of reprimands I received. The second  time I was pulled over by police while going home taught me. I did not receive a ticket either time, I changed work assignments till I moved.

Having the inmates take part in a jail fight club is barbaric. What is going on while the jailers bet on the outcome? Threats of rape and other violence means the jailers are on the wrong side of the jail cell.

Words have power. To put foul, hateful, biased words into text violates what law enforcement stands for. Failing to understand this has consequences. All cases these officers have touched will be reviewed, to see if officer bias affected  their arrest and outcome at trial. False arrest is serious.  Look at what happened with Freddie Gray.

Reading about the problems in the DNA lab made me just shake my head. Protocols are drawn up for a reason. Not following them in a crime lab causes serious situations. All cases these people have touched could be thrown out. A rapist or murderer could be released. A really horrible problem happens  if a innocent person has been convicted of rape or murder. In these jobs, thinking you are above the rules has life altering consequences.

Criminals need to pay for their crimes. What happened to them in jail is barbaric, Threats of rape and beatings  are what is common place in third world countries.  Third world countries should mimic the United States. We should not mimic them.

Law enforcement officers are needed. They need to be trained  better. Standards for officers need to be reviewed and updated yearly.  Current training materials need to be reviewed in a timely matter. They should be rewritten or updated as standards indicate.  More supervision is needed. Yearly psychiatric evaluations should be mandatory. To have as much power that a law enforcement officer has requires heavy training and oversight so that situations that have happened in San Francisco do not happen again.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Plane crash in Atlanta, Georgia

Four people and one pet died in a plane crash on I-285 in Atlanta, Georgia. Nobody on the ground lost their life. If you don't believe in a higher power, keep these people and their families in your positive thoughts. For those that believe in a higher power, pray for these people and their families.

I read the information in the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Daesh / Daw'aish wants people to kill and join them on the road to Jahannam

Mental illness is a disease that affects all races of men and all genders. Social and economic status are no barriers to it. Lack of access to medical care and required medications has devastating results. Add almost no education on top of this illness and Daesh  / Daw'aish (isis)  is born from it.

Convoluted and deviant thinking has become hardwired into them. This long term untreated mental illness has led to the creation of  an alternate reality for them. Only their way of thinking, believing, and acting is correct. All people and things different must be destroyed. When it comes to the greatest creation of Allah / God, they excel in their Iblis taught skills. These deviants torture, rape, mutilate, and kill men, women and children for the barbaric joy of it. Animals are not spared. I have a link posted on this behavior below.

Their behavior does not mean that they do not know right from wrong. These miscreants know what they have done and are doing is wrong in the eyes of God. Look at what they have done to their Holy book. They changed it to show their views are the only correct way. They searched till they have Imams to teach their views. They have constructed lies to hide their sins. This shows they know their behavior and actions are wrong. Otherwise, there would be no attempt to cover up.

Now this group of mentally unstable deviants must be thinking about their personal end of days. They want company on their road to hell. So they troll for mentally unstable deviants like themselves. They want more to join them in hell to lessen their consumption of Zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish claims inspiration for shooting in Garland, Texas

In the United States, free speech is a right. People can do or say things that can not be done in other countries. A  Mohammed cartoon drawing contest was held. Two people opened fire outside the facility with their guns. They injured a security guard, Both shooters were killed by local police.
Cowardly Daesh /Daw'aish has claimed responsibility for the above actions. They did not plan this attack but they want to say they inspired it. Then the whole episode can be added to their propaganda.

Some claim that the cartoon drawing contest of Mohammed was provocation.  I got the following definition from google. See the definition following for freedom of speech.The people at Garland, Texas were involved in an exercise of free speech. This is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.

  1. 1.
    action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately.
    "you should remain calm and not respond to provocation"
    synonyms:goading, prodding, egging on, incitementpressureMore
  2. freedom of speech definition

    The right to speak without censorship or restraint bythe government. Freedom of speech is protected by theFirst Amendment to the Constitution. ( See clear and present danger. of speech>.

I understand passion about faith practice. What I do not understand is ignorance. To live in this country is to know that free speech and free speech associated activities are a protected right. If you do not like a activity, work within our laws to bring about a change.  To force your views verbally or by violence on others is a violation of our laws.  Also, it is just wrong! These violations will be met by force and the full weight of our heavy legal system will fall on you.

If you want to react like a  thug in a third world country, I have a suggestion. Leave the comforts  and rights you have here and go to the third world country of your choice. After 6 months, You will not think or act the same if you are still alive.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Cowardly Daesh /Daw'aish has claimed responsibility for the above actions. They did not plan this attack but they want to say they inspired it. Then the whole episode can be added to their propaganda.

Why don't you come over here and spout your recycled diarrhea? It is not hard to draw in the unstable in any culture. The wannabe's run to any cause.  Don't hide when you come over here. Have the testicular fortitude to speak what you believe in the open, and take your lumps for it like men. There are more than a few people who would like to have a prolonged discussion  with you about the welfare of your soul.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Racism and violence in Isreal

Racism  is not exclusive to the United States. The Urban Dictionary defines racism. If you click on the last link, you will be able to see the definition I copied below. It is the fourth definition.

An excuse given by one 'race' of people to abuse another person's rights. Usually created by blind ignorance.
A Jewish soldier in uniform of Ethiopian descent was involved in a verbal confrontation with two Israeli police officers. It downgraded into a scuffle. The soldier went to jail. If it were not for a street video recording of the incident, the soldier would have been charged with a crime he did not commit. One of the police officers has been fired. People of Ethiopian descent are angry. Evidently there is a history of problems. A peaceful rally turned violent. Injuries happened on both sides. Arrests were made.

Attempts are being made to get to the heart of the problem between these fractions in Israel. Patience is needed by both groups while the investigation is going on, In the meantime, everyone needs to stop. There are differences in all groups of people. Instead of putting the focus on how different each group is, put it on how each is alike. It is simple, both groups are alike because they are Jews.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Daesh / Daw'aish continues to serve Iblis (Islamic devil)

Sadly, time has not changed Daesh / Daw'aish. Their bodies were created by God / Allah. He intended for his creations to be filled with his spirit. Daesh / Daw'aish chose to defy God / Allah. They gave their bodies freely to Iblis so they could be filled with evil. This defilement was not enough. To please Iblis, they let the evil inside of them direct them to destroy / murder other people created by God / Allah. They killed those who looked different, believed differently, or refused to serve Iblis. Their behavior is the same as rogue, diseased, street dogs. Before their actions bring more tears to the eyes of God / Allah they need to be removed from society and placed for life in a super maximum prison. During this life imprisonment, they need to be on 24 hour lock down on hard core psychotropic medication.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Small memberd Boko Haram kidnaps girls

Boko Haram prefers women to be uneducated. The woman then is unable to help her husband and family if illness strikes her husband  down. It makes no sense. This is a set up for failure for their families.

This group of violent, sexually aggressive, mentally unstable juvenile delinquents prefer girls over grown women. They kidnap girls and some women. Theses victims are raped, beaten, murdered, forced into marriages, or sold to brothels. Normal relationships are beyond Boko Haram's capabilities. Medical care and mental health therapy might help them

 I understand that low testosterone and small genitalia can be the cause of this behavior by Boko Haram. Their barbaric actions could be due to  another reason. Jelqing the wrong way or too much. is known to damage the penis. The penis no longer function will as it should or at all.

Now people are  taking these girls back. Thegirls have mental scars that run deep. Some have suffered trauma that has rendered them barely able to function. Their ability to return to a normal society is in question. Some may have no family left alive There are those who may not be accepted by their family or village. They need help and prayers. The amnesty link below shows you how to write a letter for sending to an official. The last link has a spot to click onto the link #Educate our girls. If you can help that would be grate. They award scholarships to assist girls to be educated. If you can not do either one keep the girls in your prayers and / or good thoughts.

No matter how they twist the Quran to prove they are doing God's work, Boko Haram is wrong. God see's all. There will be a day coming in which the books will be balanced. Iblis has cultivated extra fruits of zaqqum for them.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.