Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish burns woman alive for refusing extreme sex

The first link  that I have below has listed 10 reasons why terrorism is wrong. Each reason has verses from the Quran to back it up. The Quran is the holy book of the Islamic faith.

 Daesh /Daw'aish has violated the teachings of its Holy book. This in itself has earned them many servings of the fruit zaqqum. No matter who or what demon has told them its fine with Allah /God to violate these teachings, they are not off the hook on judgement. They will join the false teachers and can supp on zaqqum with them in hell.

They cemented their final resting place in hell  with their change in faith worship. For what ever reason they chose to worship and give homage to iblis. They torture, maim, butcher and kill in new and more barbaric ways every week. They inflict these atrocities on men, women, and children of all ages. Humans are not enough. The last two links deals with videos of isis raping animals. No one is ever free from the prying eyes of video cams even in the desert.

Daesh / Daw'aish has started a sexual jihad against women. They even have a handout to teach other sociopaths how to be involved in this barbaric act. These demons are in the process of genocide against the Yazidi in their country. The only crime of the Yazidi is worshiping Allah different from Daesh / Daw'aish. All males 14 and up are butchered. All females are sold into slavery as sex slaves. This includes girls as young as 9.

A walking boil from inside the anus of iblis has decided to become more evil than the rest. His 20 year old Yazidi sex slave refused to participate in an extreme sex act. This prevented his homage to iblis. he burned the young woman alive instead. It takes a complete dedication to the evil of iblis to direct and watch such a crime.

I believe that I understand why Daesh / Daw'aish brutalizes and kills women. They have small genitals. This leads to difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection. The "Little Blue Pill" is most likely not available to them. Prolonged sexual frustration can lead to violent outbursts and mental problems. With no laws to stop murder of innocents in their area, they take their frustrations out on people who can not fight back.

I wonder about their time in hell. Will they become the bitch of an ugly demon whose penis is a torture instrument? I can only hope so and that they service many demons repeatedly.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

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