Friday, May 15, 2015

Congressional double standards

Congressional double standards are disgusting. Congress is trying to cut funding to programs that will leave the young, elderly, and disabled  without basic needs. I worked hard when younger. It was the only way to own a car and land. My bank account had a nice balance. Illness is no respecter of anybodies plans. My insurance premiums tripled. Money went fast. I had to sell everything except for a few items of clothing. Suddenly like the rest of the lower economic class in American, I didn't matter.  My Social Security Disability is now what pays the rent.

No rent money means that I will have no place to live.  Congressmen I will make a deal with you. I'll live under a bridge if you will. Don't think that either one of us will like it. I probably will fare better. I've done without while working hard. My survival skills have been honed out of necessity. Many times I have had to forage for wild food in order to eat.  It's hard when rent and utility bills are higher than take home income. Don't think that any of you has ever worked hard for the low wage mandated by the federal government.. Taking from other programs when you are on the working persons level lands you in jail. Grocery stores won't give you free food because you talk real slick. Being hungry is not a nice feeling, There are no organizations to help if you don't have a house or post office address.

Lets talk Medicare. Are you for real? What are you going to cut?  Fewer Dr.'s now accept it because of low payout. Those that do want their 20% that day. If I had that kind of money, I would have private insurance.  Hospital's  don't like it. Want to be feel ashamed as well as sick? Tell  hospital admissions all you have is Medicare.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for what I get from Medicare. Medicare part D means that I can now get my insulin every month. I have gone for several years without insulin before. It taught me a new and deeper meaning of the word sick. Doctors ignored me when I told them I could not afford to buy insulin. These same Doctors also refused to work with agencies who would help with medication. Their lawyers told them not to fill out the paperwork. Social workers had nothing to offer. I quit asking for help when a social worker gave me an address to a place in Nevada, It made me fell worthless to know that the best the social worker saw for me was to sell my body for money to buy insulin. She told me it was legal at that place. In the last ten years, I have had two hospital bill collectors tell me that I needed to hustle on the streets so the hospital could be paid. There are others in the same situation as me.

I call double standards for a good reason. All of you were elected to work in congress. Why do you have perks? Who pays for them and how much money is being wasted on them? If you want to cut basic services to those in need, stop, Money should be cut first from these programs.  Do you punch a time clock and if not why? How do you account for your time each day? John and Jane Q. Public elected the lot of you to work.They punch a time clock for their pay. So at the very least start signing in and out daily. Publish these sheets on line to show your voters what you are doing on a daily basis.

America elected members of congress to work for the good of the country and all its people. There is no royalty in this country. Stop trying to set one up. Everyone in this country matters. I am now in the lower economic class. Our social and moral codes are higher than what congress has shown. What is more important, is the one thing congress has forgotten. Every member of the ,lower economic class as well as the homeless has a vote. Why should we vote for those who deny us basic needs and try to ensure the young, old, and disabled don't survive?

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging

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