Friday, May 1, 2015

Small memberd Boko Haram kidnaps girls

Boko Haram prefers women to be uneducated. The woman then is unable to help her husband and family if illness strikes her husband  down. It makes no sense. This is a set up for failure for their families.

This group of violent, sexually aggressive, mentally unstable juvenile delinquents prefer girls over grown women. They kidnap girls and some women. Theses victims are raped, beaten, murdered, forced into marriages, or sold to brothels. Normal relationships are beyond Boko Haram's capabilities. Medical care and mental health therapy might help them

 I understand that low testosterone and small genitalia can be the cause of this behavior by Boko Haram. Their barbaric actions could be due to  another reason. Jelqing the wrong way or too much. is known to damage the penis. The penis no longer function will as it should or at all.

Now people are  taking these girls back. Thegirls have mental scars that run deep. Some have suffered trauma that has rendered them barely able to function. Their ability to return to a normal society is in question. Some may have no family left alive There are those who may not be accepted by their family or village. They need help and prayers. The amnesty link below shows you how to write a letter for sending to an official. The last link has a spot to click onto the link #Educate our girls. If you can help that would be grate. They award scholarships to assist girls to be educated. If you can not do either one keep the girls in your prayers and / or good thoughts.

No matter how they twist the Quran to prove they are doing God's work, Boko Haram is wrong. God see's all. There will be a day coming in which the books will be balanced. Iblis has cultivated extra fruits of zaqqum for them.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

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