The Pakistani Taliban pulled a splinter from its behind and discarded it. Iblis touched it and gave it life. Jundallah was born. Being born from evil, it has claimed association with Daesh /Daw'aish. Now Jundallah shares the fecal encrusted underpants of (Iblis) with Daesh / Daw'aish.
I speak badly of these groups for one reason. They torture, maim, mutilate, and kill God's /Allah's creation - man. The prophet Mohammed looks down with tears in his eyes for their perversion of his words.
Six people in this group rode up to a bus on motorcycles. They entered the bus with 9 mm's and killed 43 and injured 20. The people were Shia Muslims. Jundallah attacked them because according to them the Shia are kafir. Kafirs original meaning was "one without religion.'' The Shia Muslim have faith / religion. They just do not worship as the Taliban and Jundallah want them to. So, they ensure
their spot in hell by making true martyr's of the Shia Muslims and others. Iblis has plenty of the fruits of zaqqum for the Taliban and Jundallah.
I read information from the following links and watched news feeds.
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