Cowardly Daesh /Daw'aish has claimed responsibility for the above actions. They did not plan this attack but they want to say they inspired it. Then the whole episode can be added to their propaganda.
Some claim that the cartoon drawing contest of Mohammed was provocation. I got the following definition from google. See the definition following for freedom of speech.The people at Garland, Texas were involved in an exercise of free speech. This is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
- 1.action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately."you should remain calm and not respond to provocation"
synonyms: goading, prodding, egging on, incitement, pressure; More
freedom of speech definition
The right to speak without censorship or restraint bythe government. Freedom of speech is protected by theFirst Amendment to the Constitution. ( See clear and present danger. of speech>.
I understand passion about faith practice. What I do not understand is ignorance. To live in this country is to know that free speech and free speech associated activities are a protected right. If you do not like a activity, work within our laws to bring about a change. To force your views verbally or by violence on others is a violation of our laws. Also, it is just wrong! These violations will be met by force and the full weight of our heavy legal system will fall on you.
If you want to react like a thug in a third world country, I have a suggestion. Leave the comforts and rights you have here and go to the third world country of your choice. After 6 months, You will not think or act the same if you are still alive.
I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.
Cowardly Daesh /Daw'aish has claimed responsibility for the above actions. They did not plan this attack but they want to say they inspired it. Then the whole episode can be added to their propaganda.
Why don't you come over here and spout your recycled diarrhea? It is not hard to draw in the unstable in any culture. The wannabe's run to any cause. Don't hide when you come over here. Have the testicular fortitude to speak what you believe in the open, and take your lumps for it like men. There are more than a few people who would like to have a prolonged discussion with you about the welfare of your soul.
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