Friday, May 8, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish wants people to kill and join them on the road to Jahannam

Mental illness is a disease that affects all races of men and all genders. Social and economic status are no barriers to it. Lack of access to medical care and required medications has devastating results. Add almost no education on top of this illness and Daesh  / Daw'aish (isis)  is born from it.

Convoluted and deviant thinking has become hardwired into them. This long term untreated mental illness has led to the creation of  an alternate reality for them. Only their way of thinking, believing, and acting is correct. All people and things different must be destroyed. When it comes to the greatest creation of Allah / God, they excel in their Iblis taught skills. These deviants torture, rape, mutilate, and kill men, women and children for the barbaric joy of it. Animals are not spared. I have a link posted on this behavior below.

Their behavior does not mean that they do not know right from wrong. These miscreants know what they have done and are doing is wrong in the eyes of God. Look at what they have done to their Holy book. They changed it to show their views are the only correct way. They searched till they have Imams to teach their views. They have constructed lies to hide their sins. This shows they know their behavior and actions are wrong. Otherwise, there would be no attempt to cover up.

Now this group of mentally unstable deviants must be thinking about their personal end of days. They want company on their road to hell. So they troll for mentally unstable deviants like themselves. They want more to join them in hell to lessen their consumption of Zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

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