Sunday, December 14, 2014

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Hi guys. Please be aware there are links at the bottom of the page:

So. I read the recent C.I.A. torture report with an open bottle of nitroglycerin for the chest pain it gave me. Every American out of high school should have to read this. Those who can't read it should have it read to them. Why? This SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. That wish, though, won't happen until education occures.

All members of the Federal Government should be forced to listen to a recording of the torture report. Those who voice complaints during the recording should be gagged. Why? Our government need appropriate education as well as all associated agencies.

I did note on TV several times in the past years that the C.I.A. and other agencies demonstrated water boarding. They forgot one thing: on those subjects, their feet were not elevated above their heads. In the report all prisoner had their feet elevated over their heads. Elevating the feet above the head causes the abdominal cavity to put pressure on the diaphragm. This is the muscle at the base of the lungs used in breathing. In this position, breathing is very difficult. Now try to drown the person with water boarding. It is not just discomfort, as some of the asses have tried to say. This is a real, physical pain with oxygen deprivation and a massive wave of fear. Take it from me, ladies and gentlemen, ice water in the lungs is a mind numbing pain and fear. Question: why doesn't the C.I.A. demonstrate on
one of their subjects this way? Don't do it to the level you did to the prisoners, but do it on national TV a little less than 50 times and let everyone see how the subject would handle it.

Addressing the deviants who rectally fed prisoners: these prisoners had no medical documented need for this!! Your own medical staff called it a means of control. If you deviants don't get that, then let me spell it out: your actions meet a definition of torture.

Know what disturbs me more? You kept secret for seven years the person who died from hypothermia. The untrained idiot torturer who did this and was rewarded $2,500 for what wound up being murder.The sickening secret of the two who were punished and found to be innocent should haunt your dreams nightly. They won't forget the ice baths and sleep deprivation that went for 55 and 66 hours

For the most of this torture, all of your people who did this were untrained. The two psychologists who were responsible for said program had zero training in interrogation. A psychologist is NOT a MEDICAL DOCTOR!

An idiot knows in this setting that medical staff has to be separate from the governing body. This way, there can be no influence. Their say in who  is not to be tortured should  be only their decision. Put it down on a document and submit it to a separate governing authority. This document should list all torture injuries and they are NOT to be denied access to all prisoners on a daily basis. two cents here.

Everyone at those prisons, or more commonly known as torture sites, needs to be registered. No exception! Nobody will be lost that way from the C.I.A. or other agencies. There will also be no way the C.I.A. or other agencies can lie about their existence.

The saddest and scariest thing about this is this is a repeat of history. Hitler used some of the same lies to try to cover his ass. People claimed then they were only following orders when they killed, and they could not escape justice. Tell me why some of our own torturers should be any different? We know better. We..know better! WE KNOW BETTER!!!

CIA Torture report story from Mother Jones

Britan's report on this

Another take on the torture report

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