The news each morning is filled with news of barbaric acts and atrocities Daehes and or Daw'ish (isis) have done in worship to their master Iblis. There is nothing off limits to these nasty street dogs. Plain murder did not get them hard enough. Cutting the heads off of adults and children has become old hat to them. Burning humans and burying children alive appears to have lost some of its appeal to them. Crucifixion of adults and children just jaded them.
A normal activity for communities world wide is to keep their land clean. This usually involves activities like picking up trash or raking leaves depending on the locale. In the areas infested by Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis), a normal community activity to clean up their environment takes on a darker side. Hidden Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) burial pits are uncovered. The bodies are examined to determine who they are and how they died. It became apparent that some of the bodies had surgical wounds. Exploration of these wounds showed missing body parts. The parts missing are presumed sold. Those in need of kidneys, hearts, or corneas would pay a ransom. People have no doubt that Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) according to the evidence murdered these people. They just do not want to believe anyone would be taking body parts to sell. That belief is strange to me. If you can bury a child alive or burn humans alive, there is nothing that is off limits. With this sub-group from hell, a different thought crossed my mind. Demons ghouls from hell indulge in cannibalism. Has Daehes and or Daw'aish (isis) developed the same tastes as ghouls?
I read information from the following links before writing this blog. Some of the articles are not for the sensitive.
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