Egyptian Mythology tells that Isis was the sister of Osiris as well as his husband. She acted like a bridge between the pharaohs and their ability to join the gods of Egypt. The Pyramid texts show the pharaoh suckling at the breast of Sis. She was regarded as the giver of life and of food for the dead. Isis was also the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
A new terrorist group has the acronym of I.S.I.S. It is bizzare that an Islamic terrorist group would choose this. They hate women and do their best in their 'special snowflake way' (Thanks son for that word) to put their heel on all women. Are they confused about their sexuality, I wonder?
The National Institute of Justice has a definition of terrorist. Their definition fits I.S.I.S. perfectly:
"The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian populace, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"
I.S.I.S. and Al-Quada are ruthless and brutal. Each try to outdo or outshine the other. Al-Quada, however is slowly putting distance between themselves and I.S.I.S. That should say a lot.
It seems that I.S.I.S., in theory, is trying the follow the Ayman al-Zawahi plan from 10/2009:
1) Get America out of Iraq.
2) Place Islamic Authority in Iraq
3) Extend the Jihad to secular countries around Iraq.
4) Restore the old Islamic Empire
I have to make reference to the following article. There is nothing more to be said, as the article speaks for itself: by C.I.A. and - U.S. Military
Mohammed endured many abuses including torture, yet he remained merciful. Sura 2 Verse 190-194 state, summarized: "Do not commit indiscriminate acts against women, children, old injured and mutilation of the dead. Do not cause destruction of fields and livestock. no acts of injustice or brutality are to be committed."
I.S.I.S. is trying to break all of the Quaran's laws. They forgot that in their hell they will "Sup from the fruits of Zaqqum for all eternity"
I.S.I.S. is laying waste to a country they want to take over. The infrastructure is being torn down. People are leaving rather than being killed. I.S.I.S. has forgotten one thing in their desire to create the perfect hell on earth for demons: Satan reigns in hell.
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