Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish hides murder behind false front

Daesh / Daw'aish  has wised up to one fact. If you torture, mutilate, rape, and or kill as a hobby, your reputation precedes you. People and animals will run and hide. Daesh / Daw'aish  has set their sites on Gay men. They have some of their people pretend to be Gay.  I wonder how much is pretend?When the unfortunate person responds, they are hugged. That is when they are captured and put to death. The hug I guess is their way of saying, "I forgive you but I got to kill you because I got off on that hug."

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Baltimore protests turn into violent criminal behavior

Freddie Gray died in police custody.He was found not breathing in the back of a police van. Freddie was not seat belted in as it was the policy of Baltimore. Mr. Gray's spinal cord was nearly severed. Post surgery, he never woke up. After a week, he died.  Everybody wants answers like yesterday. We all have to wait on the results of the autopsy and investigation. It is hard on people because his death was wrong and answers are needed for justice. His family needs answers and closure. They asked for people to protest without violence.

A peaceful protest did not happen. It is our right to protest in a peaceful manner. What is happening in Baltimore, is not a right.  It is a crime. Parts of Baltimore were burning at 04:00 am (4/28/2015)  because thugs were acting out. Police have been attacked and injured. Property was and is being destroyed. Buildings and cars were set on fire. People are looting because protests give  them cover to do so. These actions prove to cops that they are right in how they treat people. So reign in the protesters and thugs so answers can be found. Turn that destructive energy into getting people to change laws. Become the solution not another problem.

Noted at 2:00 pm (4/28/2015) a subtle change in the crowds of protesters on CNN. A group of men have started they called a "love line." They have formed a line in front of the police  to talk to and keep protesters away from the police, It shows some of the people are trying to take back their city from the thugs.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Nepal earthquake victims need help

Nepal suffered a severe 7.8 earthquake. Over 4,000 people are confirmed dead according to the following links. This is a poor country with limited recovery capabilities. The last three links below are links that I got off the internet that need donations. If you can help, research and pick the one that suits you to donate to. There are many, many organizations on the internet. Check the organizations out that you may choose. If you can not donate money keep them in your prayers or thoughts.

Update: 4/30/2015 according to CNN 5,000 confirmed dead with 14,000 injured.

I read the following links and watched news feeds before blogging,
A different site to go to if you want to help.

Transparency on death of Freddie Gray ?

Freddie Gray was a human being. He was not perfect and made mistakes. Cops getting up close to me make me want to run and I have trouble walking.  ( I don't smoke,drink or do drugs. )  Being human, should have been enough to guarantee basic rights. This did not happen. Mr. Gray's spinal cord was nearly severed. He never woke up from surgery and died a week later.

There was the question raised "Did Mr. Gray receive a rough ride?"I know of several incidences of this happening in the last 40 plus years of my life. The people were put in the back of a squad car. No seat belt was used. The car raced for a short distance and the cop slammed on his breaks. Injuries depended on how mad the cop behind the wheel was.

People are afraid. The police used a catch phrase, "Under Investigation"  People have learned that generally means "If we stall, you will go away." If people don't go away then the police take their time to release information and frequently not all of the information. Steady pressure for answers produces the "You are bothering me facial expression." Beyond that is usually not pleasant for the people seeking answers.

The catch phrase needs to be changed. Change it to "Fact Finding Mission."  A new phrase maybe will cause a new thought pattern to form. One that will inspire confidence from the public that facts will be gathered and not hidden. Bad people will be removed from positions of power if they did wrong.

I read material from the following links as well as watched news feeds before blogging.

Friday, April 24, 2015

New Head of caliphate for Daesh /Daw'aish

There is a problem with being a monster in charge of sick, twisted earth bound demons. The problem is a strong tendency to believe the lies that roll off your own lips. Al-Baghdadi believed his own lies and thought that nothing could touch him. He forgot to listen to the night noises outside his window. In this modern age, the noises in the sky were just static to him.The hairs standing up on the back of his neck were ignored. The absolute worse thing was that he believed the outrageous lie that Daesh / Daw'aish spouts. That one being that Allah is fine with them raping, butchering, and killing his creations (mankind). The U.S. coalition air strikes severely injured and or killed al- Baghdadi.

Abu Alaa-Afri or Haji Iman  is the new head of the caliphate. May he believe his own lies. His needs to ignore all things that tell him to be careful. The shadows will be full.  At the right time, he will join al-Baghdadi  to feast on the fruits of zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Justice is not for the poor

I had always been in the middle economic class financially. Prolonged illness caused my financial status to drop to the lower economic class. Since I believe in living within my means, I  moved to a lower rent area. There I heard a cop say something that I had never heard before.

I was sitting outside with the ladies of the apartment complex. The cops were there arresting some drug dealers. One of the extra officers looked at us and spoke to the other officers. He stated that there was only two types of people that lived out in apartments that were low rent. The first type were the scum like the ones arrested. He made a point to look at us and state the other type were the ones not yet arrested.  I felt like I was a nothing that bothered him by being alive. According to him, we had to have done a crime that  had not been reported.

Freddie Gray was guilty of being poor. It has been brought into question that the cops had no real reason to arrest him. I have seen cops fall on people when they arrest someone who has made them angry. It is clear to anyone with eyes and education that severe damage is a high probability. The cops need to be educated on basic anatomy and take down procedures yearly.

Freddie Gray was not a saint. He would not be quite. This earned him restraints on his legs.  Yet,
this does not explain how a restrained man can suffer a spinal injury so severe that he quit breathing and required surgery. After a week in a coma, he died. No matter what this man  did, he was still a human being.and deserved to be treated as such.. He was treated like garbage and  there is no excuse for that.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish (isis) beheads Christians and creates more martyrs

The red jinn infested demon dogs known as Daesh / Daw'aish (isis) continues to create martyrs out of Christians. Recently they slaughtered groups of Christians for refusing to convert to Islam. These  dogs do not even honor the Quran. It refers to Christians and Jews as "People of the Book."

[Al-Qur’an 29:46]

“And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, “We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam).”

These diseased red jinn inhabited rogue street dogs continue to dishonor Allah. They destroy his creations (humans) in brutal, barbaric ways. This act of destruction is done in service to a God they hold close to their heart. Iblis, who reigns in hell. He is so proud of them that he has grown extra zaqqum for them.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before posting.

Daesh / Daw'aish (isis) and their personal butt-plugs Boko Haram

Its sad to see anyone no matter their faith practice strive so hard to earn a place in hell. Daesh / Daw'aish sealed their fate long ago. Now their personal butt plugs will join them. They made a mistake people do in all faith practices. Instead of searching their holy book for guidance, they searched it to prove they were right. No matter how much they twist their head, twist their behind, or twist their tongue, they came to false and untrue conclusions. A holy book will only give correct answers when it is searched for guidance and not to prove a point.

It is not hard to see the game both of these groups are playing. All men and boys are killed. This is generally done in brutal and horrific ways.. It helps bring the ones left into control. All females are repeatedly and brutally raped. Each group wants to replace the murdered with their children. They rape and impregnate children as young as 9. It does not matter to them that they will die in childbirth. If children are not available, they rape animals. See the you-tube video links below or google isis rapes goats like I did. They have ignored a problem in their plan. A large number of these sex slaves are deciding to die before they are forced to be brood cows. The mental health of those left is gone. A sound mother is needed to raise a sound child.

Each of these groups have convinced those of questionable intellect to blow themselves up with  untold numbers of innocent people . Allah must hang his head and cry with shame. This action done in his name is against all he stood for. Iblis has already stocked up on the fruits of zaqqum.

I read information from the following links before blogging.

Be careful of the word psychosomatic!

Psychosomatic is a big word meaning you are not ill but your mind is making you think you are ill. I have been following several stories on the news where this has supposedly played a part. I would say don't pass judgement yet. Psychosomatic is sometimes used when doctors do not spend enough time with their patients.Also when patients do not take charge of their care by asking questions and getting second and sometimes third opinions. This diagnosis does apply to some people.

I speak from personal experience. The first time happened when I had I had been vomiting for a week. After four minutes with the emergency room doctor, he sent me home with a diagnosis of stomach flu. When I returned two days later being unable to hold any fluids down, he became angry and told me it was all in my head. His exact words, "I will get a quick ultrasound on your abdomen and prove nothing is wrong. I don't want to wake up the C.A.T. person on call." He admitted me to the hospital because of a large pancreatic pseudocyst and  lab tests showing severe dehydration.

Four years later, I had another bout of an illness being labeled in my mind only. The emergency room doctor actually told me that my vomiting and documented weight loss was caused by a psychosomatic disorder. Two days later, I was admitted to the hospital due to a fever of 104.6 F and disorientation. After a through work up, I had surgery to remove a pancreatic tumor.

A bad one happened was when I became anemic. My problem as I was told was that I was not taking my iron pills and eating properly. It was a sign of mental illness to do this for attention.

 It was taking 60 kotex and 3 boxes of super tampons each monthly period. The doctor said that he did not believe me. A week later I became very sick and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. After getting transfused with four units of blood, I was given a through work up. Ended up having a complete hysterectomy and removal of both tubes and ovaries. I was bleeding to death slowly due to uterine adenocarcinoma. I asked the doctor when rounds were being made to explain how mental illness caused adenocarcinoma. He hung his head and walked out of the room.

The only time I ever sought help for back pain, I was humiliated. The triage nurse told me it was best that I didn't sign in to see the doctor. It would be over 24 hours before I was seen. She suggested that I go to the psychiatric clinic because emotional stress can cause back pain.

Turns out that a kidney stone had blocked one of my ureters. I had developed hydronephrosis  and sepsis. Ended up being placed in a medical induced coma after surgery. Developed adult respiratory distress syndrome and was on a ventilator via a tracheostomy. Spent a long time in intensive care. I had what was called a small stroke. It took over a year to recover. My imaginary back pain almost kicked  my ass straight through heavens gate for judgement.

The doctors at the clinic refer to me as a pain in their butt in loud whispers when I go to clinic,  I hold my head up and look them straight in their eyes and tell them that its "Miss pain in the butt." They do this because I ask questions and will not be brushed off. I get a second opinion if needed after researching what the doctor tells me. I have real medical issues and I want to live to see grandchildren. So take charge of your medical care.

I read information from the following links before posting, There was more pages on this topic than I would have thought. I only picked two.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Atlanta Public School Cheating Scandal

The Atlanta Public School cheating scandal  trial is over, Each of these former educators have been sentenced. People are  bleating that they need to be let go and not punished. I would ask these people if they fell and hit their head? It did not happen just once and I'll tell why I feel that way. This was not a crime that had no victims.

I was in down town Atlanta paying bills several years back. Because I got tired, I stopped and brought a cup of coffee. While sitting outside, I heard a sad conversation that a young man was having with his mother on his phone. I heard him make the following statement to his mother.

"I graduated high school and I can't read this letter. Ma, I don't know what to do!"

At this point, I turned around and offered my help. He had an important legal letter that required he respond promptly. I could see that he was still upset.  So I had him pull his phone out and turn on the record function. Then I read the letter into the phone. I said what the letter meant into the phone. Then I recorded what he was being required to do step by step. I turned the phone off and asked him what he was going to about his serious lack of education for a high school graduate. To survive in this century, he needed to be able to read

 Because of the nature of his letter, I told him he need to learn to read. It would make things go a little easier on him. In my purse, I had a handout from the library on free educational classes. At this time, I turned his phone recorder on and read into it  all schedules for the learning to read classes. As he left, I wished him well.

These educators claimed they did what they did in order to keep their jobs. Every profession that I know of has a section on legalities during their school time. A student learns  what it means to break the law in regards to their chosen  profession. They also learn what the punishment is. These educators did what I consider to be the worst possible lie. They lied to themselves so well they believed it.

I read some information from the following links before posting. The rest of the information, I obtained from local news channels,

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hellspawn Daesh/Daw'aish (i.s.i.s) rapes animals and impregnates a 9 year old

Daesh /Daw'aish (isis) are parasites on the butt of Iblis. Only something foul would rape a child. It goes without saying that the child is damaged mentally from this, She may even die with advanced medical care.  No female can deliver a child when she is this young. It is fortunate she is out of reach from these rogue street dogs. Only parasite infested red jinn would pass children around like sex toys. It is apparent that  grown women frighten them. Most likely this is due to their physical short comings.

This group is not afraid of the after life. What God would be fine with anyone raping, mutilating, and butchering his creations? They take pride in coming up with horrific methods of doing this. They twist the words of their Holy book  to make these sins into an approved action.  The only God served by this is Iblis who rules in hell. He will be sure to provide everyone of these demons in training with the fruits of zaqqum upon their arrival.

I googled (isis rapes goates). It showed multiple  links that were disgusting and a violation of the laws of God and man. I clicked on two of the links because I wanted to see for myself that it was real and not a joke. After less than a minute, I clicked off the links. It shows that these are truly damned parasites. They prefer children and animals.

I read information from the following links before posting.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trying not to be an unarmed person shot by a cop

We need a police force. There will always be people who will not follow the law and enjoy hurting and killing others. The system of checks and balances are not strong enough.  Ongoing education is not mandated. Pay is poor. Because of this, problems occur. The main one being "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The shootings of unarmed civilians are the topic of conversations from homes to commuter trains, I heard a grown man say the following on the morning train. Many people took to heart what was said.

"Laugh at me if you want to but I will go home without a bullet in me. Protests just make cops angrier. I have a wife and kids who need me. If stopped by a cop for no reason I will do the following, I will have a 'pee-pee' party in my pants and fall to the ground screaming for my mom.."
Soap and water is cheap. I will have attracted attention and increased my chances of going home. Pride only fills a coffin,

I read information from the following links before blogging.  There  are too many stories on the internet. I could have filled over three pages with links. I picked a few.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Terrorists attempt to start the end of times

It took awhile for me to understand. The terror groups have laid wast to land. If they win all they have is land with no infrastructure and no ability to support life. People have been butchered and killed in ways that makes Iblis go "Damn! These demons are my bitches." Any left alive have ran and are in hiding. So, there is no one  to reclaim the land.  Allah has hung his head in shame over the death of his creations by the hands of some who left his sight to serve Iblis

The terror groups who have laid waste to land and people serve Iblis in a game they do not understand. Iblis wants the end of times to begin. These piles of rogue dog excrement  have no clue as to how they are being played.

I read the material in the following links before posting.

Daw'aish (isis) failed to learn a lesson

The group of human rejects a.k.a. isis was failed by what ever form of human or animal parent they had. They were not taught an important life lesson. What ever you do in this life you will answer for it by one of three different ways. The first is at the time of the crime. If a person escapes  this, it will catch up to him or her when  their life is settled. If not at these two times, he or she will answer for their crime on judgement day. The eyes of God miss nothing. Daw'aish  murdered 1700 individuals and buried them in the desert. The earth holds nothing for ever. Look at the discovery of dinosaurs. They were once buried deep.

I read information from the following links before posting.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Actions of Cowards

Terror groups are like special children stuck in the id stage of  psyche development.  They want what they want when they want it. They use what ever force they feel like using. Rape and murder become their way of saying "Look what I can do!" The more horrific the act is, the happier they are. Some of them know in their heart that doing evil in the name of Allah is wrong. That is why they have Imams who twist their holy book to say what they are doing is perfectly fine with Allah. They will keep each other company in hell. If you know a deed is wrong and fall victim to a mad mans lies, your guilt and sin does not vanish.

There is something that I do not understand. If each group feels they have something to offer in  getting people to change to their belief system, why choose rape, mutilation, and murder as the way to do this? People will run from you. Those that don't will do so if you leave the area. There will be no one to repair and run the infrastructure of the area you control. Those that could have ran or you killed in barbaric ways.

Education as to why you are correct is beyond your capability. You can not teach others what you do not understand yourself. Have you provided food to the hungry? A person who has been fed will follow you. Did you give a man a job? He then could take care of his family and tell his children of your good deeds. You chose instead to destroy the creations of Allah for fun. Your punishment in hell will be one to turn the stomachs of all the demons in hell.

I read information from the following links.,_ego_and_super-ego

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Al Shabaab the new stain in the pants of Iblis

Watched the news feed while preparing dinner. I said a prayer for the 140 plus Christian students murdered by al shabaab. They claim to be an off shoot of al quaeda. These 140 plus souls did not deny God. The lumpy stains in the pants of Iblis turned these 140 plus souls into martyrs.

These stains are Cowards. The urban dictionary has the most accurate description of these two groups. These sub humans have the correct sex organs for males. They just don't have a clue as to what being a male is all about. Eating the fruits of zaqqum is what I hope to be the beginning of the pain they will receive upon their deaths. Please read the following links.

I read information from the following links before posting.

Daesh / Daw'aish (isis) and Tikrit

Hey Daesh  / Daw'aish how are your nerves? Keep listening to those outsides noises. They are something to worry about. The sounds outside your windows are not your nerves. Wonder what is making the hairs stand up on the back of your neck? Could be you are in multiple gun sights.

It is easy to stop most of this. Stop serving Iblis by your perverted, murderous acts. Start asking the forgiveness of Allah. Spend your remaining days in prayer.

I read information in the following links before posting.