Its sad to see anyone no matter their faith practice strive so hard to earn a place in hell. Daesh / Daw'aish sealed their fate long ago. Now their personal butt plugs will join them. They made a mistake people do in all faith practices. Instead of searching their holy book for guidance, they searched it to prove they were right. No matter how much they twist their head, twist their behind, or twist their tongue, they came to false and untrue conclusions. A holy book will only give correct answers when it is searched for guidance and not to prove a point.
It is not hard to see the game both of these groups are playing. All men and boys are killed. This is generally done in brutal and horrific ways.. It helps bring the ones left into control. All females are repeatedly and brutally raped. Each group wants to replace the murdered with their children. They rape and impregnate children as young as 9. It does not matter to them that they will die in childbirth. If children are not available, they rape animals. See the you-tube video links below or google isis rapes goats like I did. They have ignored a problem in their plan. A large number of these sex slaves are deciding to die before they are forced to be brood cows. The mental health of those left is gone. A sound mother is needed to raise a sound child.
Each of these groups have convinced those of questionable intellect to blow themselves up with untold numbers of innocent people . Allah must hang his head and cry with shame. This action done in his name is against all he stood for. Iblis has already stocked up on the fruits of zaqqum.
I read information from the following links before blogging.
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