Thursday, April 14, 2016

Trump and Cruz model behavior for bullies

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are members of the Republican Party who want to be President of the United States.  Americans who are tired of the entitled playing in Government wanted a change. Trump and Cruz at first appeared to be the answer.

They are the reason I never make up my mind who to vote for till the day I vote, As that moment draws closer, their true self is showing. Trump opens his mouth and inserts his foot. That is something everybody has done. He has turned it in to a polished art form. Cruz to me is scary. I look at the whole person and compare what is said to body posture, They are not the same.

Being able to spar is a good thing within limitations. They have to limit this to the political platform
of their opponent. Attacking women, children, and the disabled are not the actions  our president. should model. Deciding who is good enough or religious enough to be counted is wrong on so many levels.  Banning a whole group of people due to their birth place and faith practice is  what Hitler did. The blame game will only go so far before it looks like what it is - sour grapes.

These bad actions are what school yard bullies do. Yet school yard bullies grow up. What excuse is possible for these two physically grown men?

I watched a lot of news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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