Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Mr. Trump, get over your "bad self"

It's long past the time for a change in politics. I thought at first that Donald Trump could be the person to take on this job. It seems that is going to be a mistake in my thought process. Mr. Trump desperately needs to get over his "bad self."

Being the President is not about self.  It is about representing the whole nation. This includes the disabled, all faiths, the poor, and the elderly.  Its about maintaining the building blocks of its foundation. It is not about destruction of the values and principles that built this country. Our country does not need to be made great again. We have never been anything less than great.

Our founding fathers came from all walks of life in other countries. Some were of royal family birth. Others were of working class origins. There were also criminals of every description. Some countries just rounded up vagrants and sent them here. Through trial and error, our country blended all into one group and we became a nation.

There are three major classifications of groups of people. They are the upper, middle and lower economic class.  I do not include social status with these groupings. There are bad apples in each of the class groups.  As a member of the lower economic class,  I don;t drink, do drugs or engage in illegal activities.  I give of myself in volunteer activities. It's a struggle but I live within my means. Mr. Trump should not forget the lower economic class.  We are the largest group of voters that candidates ignore.

Acceptance of all people and faiths is a part of who we are. All ethnic groups and faiths have bad apples. There is no exception to this. To denigrate any ethnic group or faith due to the actions of some is just wrong. Besides it is a slap on the face of our founding fathers.

The President has to remember of what he says. He should have staff keep an ongoing list of his statements. This should be reviewed each morning. If there is a change, let your voters know that day.

Mr. Trump has the background of business.  He has created some and watched them fall. From this, he learned how to come back. Now, he needs to study what the President's job description is about and adapt. I watched on a news report that he stated he will be himself. He needs to be a Presidential candidate for all the people before he can be himself.  Voters are watching and waiting to see if he will ever get with the program.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.







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