Tuesday, January 2, 2018

President Donald Trump or #45, is one scary man

President Trump is again at war with the Justice Department. He feels they are out to undermine him. Nobody has to do that. All one has to do is sit back and watch his actions and listen to what he says. He is never consistent and frequently off the mark. His actions portray the voiced belief that people are out to get him.  Instead of using people available in government to help him and decrease his anxiety he sets them against each other. He then sits back to watch his version of fun.

I have to read the first three links several times a week. They state what the job of the President is and Trump has not done it. He has changed his job description to suit his idea of what it should be. Without knowledge or facts he meddles and stirs all pots.

It seems that he was never taught a basic management skill. Know the organization from the ground up. Trump knew better when he refused basic orientation to the job.

It was drummed into me to observe the people working while comparing what they are doing to the job description. If it is getting done, keep your personal thoughts to yourself. Observe and take notes on those not doing their job description. When through, start change.

Call people into a meeting that are not doing their job. Explain what their job is. Tell them they have one month to get in line and do their job. Give them a written job description so they will know where they went wrong and what is expected. Tell them what must change in order for them to keep their job. At the end of a month, release those not doing their job. Fill their positions.

If you want people to think like you do, make a personal list of these thoughts. For each thought, list how people can achieve them. The instructor demanded each of us look at him them. If you can't do this, he said --

"Stop being an ass! Your job is not your personal kingdom. Human beings are not your slaves and can't read your mind. To think people should bow down to you and kiss your feet is mental illness. Get help before help is forced on you."

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before I blogged.














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