Saturday, March 31, 2018

Iblis collects two Al Qaeda humanoid specimens for his demon hoard to play with

In Libya, a gang of rogue street dog cowards that includes  Musa Abu Duwad and another terrorist were sent for a face to face with Allah / God before returning to their master Iblis. Duwad trained recruits for attack operations. He and others were in this area to claim territory since Isis was sent scattering like rats from a sinking ship.  Both terrorists had welcomed demon riders to use their bodies. Their trail of death and chaos served Iblis.

The Urban dictionary gives perfect definitions for gangs.  It refers to them as "The little league of Organized Crime." See the link below.  For these cowards that bluster they are a man, it has the perfect definition that fits their cowardly actions. It's true that they have the genitals of a man. They just don't have the understanding of what being a man is all about. 

They need to read the Quran verses below. They are specific on the punishment that does apply to them. They should also read the following links below to understand how they lie to themselves and others.

But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill  (or destroy) yourselves: for verily God hath been to you Most Merciful! If any do that in rancour and injustice, - soon shall we cast them into the Fire: And easy it is for God. 
(Holy Quran, Chapter 4:29 - 4:30)

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

There will be no virgins of either sex waiting for  murderers upon their death. It is very clear what the Quran says their punishment will be. See the above  verses. The first taste of the fruit of Zaqqum will open their eyes to this.  Most likely there will be 72 demons waiting  to make them into their personal torture toy for all eternity. Perhaps Iblis will choose them to be a live snack waiting in his larder till plucked.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


Israeli soldiers fire on Palestine people marching near its border

What has been reported as thousands of Palestine people conducted a march along the border with Israel.  Israeli soldiers opened fire on them. 16 people have been reported as killed. Many have been reported as injured. The list of dead and injured may change. Please pray or keep in your positive thoughts the victims, their families and friends.

A long history of animosity lies between these two groups of people. The only ones suffering are the youth who see, hear, and feel the pain in their heart. This perpetuates the animosity.  Fault lies on both sides of the line.

Somebody has to be the bigger person  and stand up.  I mean stand up and say enough.  Do what  faith practice requires and forgive. Try to get the other party to the peace table. If that fails, appeal to the United Nations. News articles show numerous countries are offering to broker peace talks.

It may or may not work.  No more will die than what is happening now.  Somebody needs to think of others first.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Rick Santorum has no clue

Rick Santorum made a statement that is a symptom of a problem.  A day after people rallied across  America calling for stricter gun control laws, he made a cold statement. He stated or as others called it (made a suggestion) that students should learn CPR.  Also, they need to learn how to survive school shooting scenarios. Tell that crap to the families and friends of the 17 killed in a school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

I would ask is he aware of the first three links below. This is the United States. We are a democracy. The third link deals with the branches of the government. It goes into detail on what the jobs of each branch is supposed to be.  Somebody has dropped the ball.

It is a sad day when a tightening of gun control laws causes grown men and women to panic. I have my gun and will fight to keep it.  But rapid fire weapons do not belong in public. I saw a deer up close that was killed with one. The meat could not be salvaged to feed hunting dogs.  Saw the end results of a squirrel and rabbit killed with same gun.  Only bloody tufts of hair were left. These guns need to be controlled and not be for public use.

The people who rallied just want a change in the laws. School is for academics. It should never be a place for teaching students how to duck bullets while learning. The US is not a third world country where that is a reality. Tighten the laws to prevent this.  If not, realize that the people who are being made fun of for going to the rallies will be voting soon. School boards that punished these students should realize the same thing. These students protested lawfully which is their right.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

President Donald Trump can now worry about real problems

Robert Mueller has now let it be known that there are four areas that President Trump will be questioned about. See the link below. The four areas of interest are explained. It shows how much larger the investigation is that Mueller is conducting. It is much further along than what most people have thought. Two primary areas of concern are the firing of James Comey and Andrew McCabe.  All conversations, memo's, documents, and interviews are being examined. Mueller wants to know if they were fired to stop the investigation into Russia's interference with the 2016 Presidential election. The more President Trump screams that it is a waste of time, the more attention he draws to himself.

All parents teach their children lessons that will help them in life. It seems the President did not learn one very important lesson that actions have consequences. These consequences will without fail occur in three ways.

1.   The first consequence may happen soon after the wrong action or words.

2.   If the person escapes the first consequence, they will answer for their wrong action or words at a        bad time. By a bad time, I mean when everything is going right and past actions surface.

3.   Escaping the first two means there will be no escape for the third consequence. Before the throne        nothing can be hidden. Judgment for all who went through life hiding their actions and escaping          consequences will rain down without fail.

I watched news feeds and read the following links before blogging.

An inbred terror group oozes from the toes of Iblis

On the first day of Nawroz (Persian new year), a suicide bomber decided to slap Allah /God on the face with a dirty shoe.  It happened close to Ali Abad Hospital and Kabul University.  29 were killed and 52 wounded. These numbers nay go higher.  Pray for the victims.  Pray that  their families and friends find inner peace. If you do not pray, please keep them, in your positive thoughts.

Daesh / Daw'aish  claimed the atrocity and the suicide bomber.  Words out of their mouths fell like liquid diarrhea. They are nothing more than a gang of diseased rogue street dogs. They don't like to do the dirty work so they convince others to kill themselves.

The Urban dictionary gives a perfect definitions for gangs.  It refers to them as "The little league of Organized Crime."  For cowards that bluster they are men, it has the perfect definition that fits their actions. It's true that they have the genitals of a man. They just don't have the understanding of what being a man is all about. Go to the Urban dictionary links below.

 Perverted acts remain their calling card. When no child of either sex is available, they engage in bestiality. Do not let children or those easily upset see the next to the last link. It shows this practice. They must not have known or cared that drones have camera's.  Children and those easily disturbed should not have access to the graphic last link.

Daesh / Daw'aish  should have read the Quran verses below. They are specific on the punishment that does apply to them. They should have also read the links below this to understand how they lied to themselves and others.

But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill  (or destroy) yourselves: for verily God hath been to you Most Merciful! If any do that in rancour and injustice, - soon shall we cast them into the Fire: And easy it is for God. 
(Holy Quran, Chapter 4:29 - 4:30)

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

Truth is unchanging. It is the same from the beginning of time. It will be the same at the end of time. At no time has Allah / God asked anyone to murder for him. That is the work of demons in human skin. Man does not need an intermediary to know the word of Allah / God.  Doing what a false leader of a faith practice tells you will still land a person in hell. There will be no 72 virgins  of any sex for any murderer or false leader. Their view of their hellish paradise comes after their first bite of the fruit of zaqqum

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Inglorious Donald J. Trump, why did you run for President?

Being President of the United States of America is a honor.  Service to the people of this country is what the job entails. Please read the first three links. There has been no honor from the President since the start of this year in any of his actions.

President Trump is attempting to run the United States of America like a business. He has said very loudly that this is how he will handle do the job of President.  It is not a business.  (Where are the paychecks for all the homeless and unemployed?)

The United States is composed of 50 states and its protectorates.  Read the first link.  As of March 17, 2018, there are currently   327,090,909   people in the United States.  A business can't be run with that many people no matter the size of the ego of the CEO or the depth of his malignant narcissism.

Again, please read the first three links.  In theses links, the government and all its functions have been divided up.  It works.  Like any living organization, a few tune ups are needed.

-----Stop all bills from having more than one item on them. They can then be acted on quickly and
       backlogs cleared out. Everybody would have to show up daily for work.
-----Call Canada and other countries with universal health care. Find out what they are doing. Strip
       ours down to basics on coverage.  Senator Paul Ryan on health insurances matters, SHAME.
-----There would be less problems with the budget if one thing was done. All PERKS SHOULD
       STOP IMMEDIATELY.  You were elected with a salary.  Live on it or get another job.

Since Donald J. Trump has become President, chaos reins supreme.  Watching President Trump in action is like watching a spoiled preschooler. He keeps his personal and mostly untrained friends close. He sets these friends against each other so he can watch his brand of gladiator games. If someone does not agree with him or praise him enough, he lets them know they are fired in a child's manner.  He talks about the deed on twitter before the person knows. His second choice is to have some one do it for him. He uses his vindictiveness liberally.

President Trump makes no secret that he does not like the FBI.  He had Attorney General Jeff Sessions fire Assistant Director Andrew Mccabe one day before retirement for some indiscretions.  I have done research on this and can not find three sources that give the same reason for this firing. Again vindictive to the extreme.

President Trump evidently has a problem in regards to some women. He needs to own his action and seek help. When money is offered for silence, don't threaten to sue for breach of contract if you did not sign the contract. Your actions exposed your guilt.

The following pictures were taken from twitter and sent to me. I thought they were perfect for this blog.

I have been watching news feeds and reading President Trump's twitter rants. I also read information from the following links before blogging.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Collapsed Florida pedestrian bridge (UPDATE)

A pedestrian bridge across the Street from Florida International University has collapsed with people on it.  This bridge was just installed Saturday. It is believed around  5 vehicles were crushed. There  are 6 deaths with 5 bodies not recovered yet.  It is expected that more will be found as the debris is removed. It is now a recovery operation. The cause of the collapse remains unknown.

Please pray for the victims, their families and friends. If you do not pray, please keep them in your positive thoughts.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


A new wrinkle in the Russian investigation

Special council Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents. He wants all documents related to the Russian investigation and other areas under his purview. There are questions being presented as to why he just didn't ask for them. That answer is simple. President Trump has not always been forth coming with the truth. He did not stop Kellyanne Conway from using the statement of alternative truths or facts in regards to his actions.  If there may be legal action, all documents must be given to the person in charge of investigation. That way they can not be altered or thrown away.

The Russian investigation is complicated. It is hard to keep up with who is involved and who is trying to hide their participation. The next to last link has a diagram of who is involved. The best one is the last link. It explains the whole investigation.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

President Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, and Russian investigation parody

I was finishing a blog and got a phone call. This is a hysterical parody that unfortunately has a whole lot of truth in it was sent to me.  So, I am passing it on via my blog.

I watched the parody and read information from the following links before blogging

President Trump can't hide from Stormy Daniels

President Trump is not the first man to stray from his wife.  He will not unfortunately be the last man. The Stormy Daniel situation will not just vanish because he is President. The way he is handling the situation calls into question his ability to function as a President.

A  man stands up without prompting and admits when he is wrong.  He does not have anybody do it for him.  He does not act like a male cat trying to "bury his crap deep."

The only thing to do is admit the wrong that was done.  In basic and simply words, place his hand on his heart and lay claim to his wrong.  Make right what can be and move on.  Don't discuss it and it will eventually die down. Remove fuel from the fire and the fire dies.  Donald Trump is the President and held to higher standards.

All parents teach their children lessons that will help them in life. It seems the President did not learn one very important lesson that actions have consequences. These consequences will without fail occur in three ways.

-----The first consequence may happen soon after the wrong action or words.

----- If the person escapes the first consequence, they will answer for their wrong action or words at a      bad time. By a bad time, I mean when everything is going right and past actions are laid bare.

-----Escaping the first two means there will be no escape for the third consequence. Before the throne, nothing can be hidden. Judgment for all who went through life hiding their actions and escaping consequences will rain down without fail.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

President Trump does not by play by the rules that others must follow

Our Inglorious President Trump still does not play by set rules that others have to follow. Other Presidents have had to divest themselves of their properties.  Donald Trump fights hard to keep his empire intact. A review of records by a major news channel shows that the Defense Department spent over $138,000 dollars on properties that bear the Trump brand. The money to pay this came from taxpayers in violation of ethical norm and possible constitutional issues.

President Trump spent 25 days at his property called Mar-a-Lago. That cost the taxpayers $58,875.69.  $17,000 was spent by the pentagon in Panama.  President Trump does not own the motel, but his name is on the motel  making it a Trump branded property. One thing about his property bothers me.  He had to pay the US Treasury an undisclosed sum for profits made on his properties. These were profits paid to him by foreign governments.

It is no surprise that the Republican National Convention stop paying on President Trumps legal bills. These are bills incurred by the Russian probe. This is where it gets really weird. At the same time they stopped paying his legal bills,they started paying rent at $37,000 a month in one of his buildings. They started paying Vice President's nephew  John Pence thousands a month for his work.

Unfortunately,  in business there are practises that are legal but questionable. This happens when reasons are hidden, not apparent and those who can answer questions refuse to.  Here is where  President Trump needs to stop and rethink his approach to being President.  No  matter he mistakenly thinks, "The United States is not a business." Read the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth link. Somebody should read them to President Trump nightly.  By the process of osmosis, perhaps some of what he should be doing may sink in.

Please read all the links below.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Texas man who joined Al Qaeda gets 45 years for his role in a car bombing

Muhanad Mahmoud Al Farekh was sentenced to 45 years in prison for his part in a car bomb attack on a US military base in Afghanistan.  He was attending a university in Manitoba, Canada while staying with family. He flew to Pakistan with two friends who also joined Al Qaeda.  Each was involved in different areas. His fingerprints were found on parts of the car bomb.

The attack on the military base was carried out by a gang of cowardly rogue street dogs. They were racing to lick the dirt off the feet of Iblis. By sending the screams of the innocent to feed Iblis,they are hoping to prolong their time on earth. They know he will eventually void their contract and drag them to hell.

The Urban dictionary gives perfect definitions for gangs.  It refers to them as "The little league of Organized Crime." See the link below.  For these cowards that bluster they are a man, it has the perfect definition that fits their cowardly actions. It's true that they have the genitals of a man. They just don't have the understanding of what being a man is all about. 

They need to read the Quran verses below. They are specific on the punishment that does apply to them. They should also read the following links below to understand how they lie to themselves and others.

But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill  (or destroy) yourselves: for verily God hath been to you Most Merciful! If any do that in rancour and injustice, - soon shall we cast them into the Fire: And easy it is for God. 
(Holy Quran, Chapter 4:29 - 4:30)

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

There will be no virgins of either sex waiting for  murderers upon their death. It is very clear what the Quran says their punishment will be. See the above  verses. The first taste of the fruit of Zaqqum will open their eyes to this.  Most likely there will be 72 demons waiting  to make them into their personal torture toy for all eternity. Perhaps Iblis will choose them to be a live snack waiting in his larder till plucked.

I watched news feeds and read info from the following articles before blogging.


I was sent this you-tube link so I am sharing it.

I was sent this link to a you tube video by Chris Rock.  It told some truths in a very unique way that will grab the attention of those watching.  Click on the linkbelow/

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hatch Act violated by Kellyanne Conway Adviser / Counselor to President Trump

Kellyanne Conway is an adviser / counselor  to our Inglorious President Donald Trump.  She violated the Hatch Act twice last year.  Kellyanne Conway  had received training in what she could and could not say in regards to political candidates.  On November 20 an December 6 last year, she spoke for the Republican candidate and against the Democratic candidate. People were encouraged to vote for the Republican candidate.  President Trump has received a detailed report of the incidents. If she receives disciplinary actions at all, it will be up to President Trump to do so.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb wants to be first in service to Iblis in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou is the capital of Burkina Faso. It has come under attack. There were numerous targets. Included are the French Embassy and military headquarters. An explosive device was used at the military headquarters. The number of dead and injured are unable to correctly counted at this time.

No one has claimed this attack as one they (terrorists) have done. This attack is like others done by the terror group Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. They have been increasing attacks and mass murders in Burkina Faso. This gang of terrorists is nothing more than a lark pack of rogue street dogs being riden by their demon overlords.

The Urban dictionary gives perfect definitions for gangs.  It refers to them as "The little league of Organized Crime." See the link below.  For these cowards that bluster they are a man, it has the perfect definition that fits their cowardly actions. It's true that they have the genitals of a man. They just don't have the understanding of what being a man is all about. 

They need to read the Quran verses below. They are specific on the punishment that does apply to them. They should also read the following links below to understand how they lie to themselves and others.

But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill  (or destroy) yourselves: for verily God hath been to you Most Merciful! If any do that in rancour and injustice, - soon shall we cast them into the Fire: And easy it is for God. 
(Holy Quran, Chapter 4:29 - 4:30)

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and 55"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the 5Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have 55

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.
