Friday, June 15, 2018

Extreme Christian Hypocrisy using children as bargaining chips

Saint Thomas Aquinas said it best, "justice without mercy is cruelty." For this administration to read and quote from the Bible to make its current atrocity smell better is just sick. They can twist their behind, twist their head, or twist their tongue and it will still smell bad.  It is like they were not taught to look in the Bible for Grace. Instead, they looked into the Bible to prove they were right.  That made them wrong from the start.

“The Bible teaches that God ‘loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt’ (Deuteronomy 10:18-19).” Pope Francis

Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together! Started the Wall.

President Donald Trump or #45 has it wrong as usual. There is no law that requires children of
illegal immigrants be separated from their parents. The choice to charge everyone who crosses
the border in criminal court instead of waiting on their asylum application is from the Trump 
administration. The law keeps him from sending people back immediately or keeping whole
families in detention. It does not deter like the Trump group claims. When questioned about the
numbers this "group" could not answer with information that could be verified. Read
the last link.

These children are being used as bargaining chips. He blames the Democrats in a flat out lie. 
He should own his lie and admit he did it because the Democrats won't let him play without rules
and supervision  Go to MSNBC article below for information that will open your eyes.  Go to 
the link above the MSNBC  link where President Trump admits to this.

One of my many prayers should be taken to heart by people pushing this abomination.  Children
belong with their parents. They are chips to bargain with.

Most Gracious Lord,
I come before you as your servant in need of instruction. The present situation that 
I am faced with fills me with confusion.  Help me to sweep the cobwebs of ignorance
and worst of all judgment of the value of my fellow man from my thoughts.  Your 
love and compassion fills me. I will use this to do the right  thing. The right thing 
in your eyes not from the haughty viewpoint I hold of myself.  So that in the final 
moments of my life I know that you will receive my soul with kindness and judge my
past actions with mercy.      Amen

It is not rocket science. If you can not feed your children, You will go to where you can. If you
have to daily be afraid of murder of your self or your kids, you will leave. No education available, 
you will go to where that it is available for your kids. For these reasons and many more,people
will do what is necessary for the sake of their children. People with compassion know they would 
do the exact same thing. All children are equal in the eyes of God.

***Please read the last link. on this ***

I watched news feeds and read the following links before blogging.

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