Saturday, June 22, 2019

Inglorious President Trump and Presidential decorum

I have to give the President props for doing what he should.  He reviewed his actions regarding Iran. The military strike was stopped. I hope doing the right thing didn't give him too much of a headache. One can only hope that the headache from this does not stop him from doing more of the right thing.  Then the following parodies won't apply anymore. Until then, they still apply.

Randy Rainbow - Genius

Randy Rainbow - Just impeach him

Randy Rainbow - All about his base

I watched news feeds and read and reread the following links for information before blogging.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Inglorious President Trump wants a second term, "Why?"

Our inglorious leader wants a second term as President. Since becoming President, Donald Trump has told 6,420 lies according to Politicus USA.  That is a track record that no one should be proud of. It is also a record that should keep President Trump out of a second term in office.

See the first link. It lists the multitude of problems surrounding Inglorious President Donald Trump as well as some of his people. Also, it lists links for every problem discussed. With all these problems, why should he be elected again? A second term would only serve himself again and absolutely no one else.

I watched news feeds and read and reread the following link for information before blogging.


