Monday, August 26, 2019

Just something that I have to say to the intellectual lowlifes in our government

Our government is full of various departments.  Each department having numerous agencies that rarely if ever are aware of the others within the department. This is not something that occurs just in the USA. I watch news feeds and check the Internet often on all the countries I can. I have an excellent memory. Little blips of news as well as big news, I pay attention to and remember. It's amazing how they connect back.

There is one department in our country who has a nasty habit of throwing people they consider expendable under the bus.  Some of the more smarmy members of this gang of intellectual lowlifes refer to the people thrown under the bus as collateral damage. Read the whole blog  to know why I refer to this department in this way.

A  while ago, one of these agencies by a third party asked if I would be interested in working for them. I was not asked directly. That in  itself is bad because of what it meant. The people in charge of this agency have no balls or testicles. With this kind of easy deniability, I would be thrown under the bus at some point in the future. They have one disgusting habit in regard to this. They assign people that help them to a handler. Another means to degrade the individual, so they do not feel bad about throwing them under the bus. Goats, sheep, pigs, cows, and other four footed creatures are handled. In case they were not taught, man was given dominion over all land, sea, and air creatures. No where did God put dominion over man.  Look in the Bible for Genesis 1:26 and read it.

I am a member of several groups. One that is precious to me is the three F's. (Female, Fat, over 40)
Basically, we just like to explore times and situations and see for our self what has went on and what is going on in current situations. This is where I got my motto "Slowly but surely." This week I was notified by a member  that she came across me in an agencies files.

I blog about the terrorists who have escaped from the pool of sewage under the outhouse of Iblis.  I started doing this when I saw that  daesh / daw'aish had published a picture of young boys crammed into the back of a dump truck. One boy was looking into the camera. The look on his face grabbed me in my heart. I am too old to fight and have no money.  There is one thing I have and that is some what of a way with words.

It seems that a fatwah to do me in was put out. This agency run by intellectual lowlifes did not tell me because they wanted the person who was going to do me. They were not concerned about me or my child.  I and my child were "collateral damage." She got to the part where the situation was resolved before she had to shimmer out.

Resolved! Why did the oldest member of our group have to use her taser?  I can still see her dancing about like a kid try to find something in her big , white hand carried pocketbook. She said in proper English "My turn." She then literally tried to fry him before I  could make her quit.

One of the ladies gave another a face full of bear spray. Then within the last three week. One screamed  Allahu Akbar from the parking lot while running from the parking lot.  Another neighbor had come out to see. He asked me what we should do. I told him I was going to pray that the nut job runs by the police station screaming that and gives the first cop he sees a deep French Kiss.

From the above paragraphs, it is easy to see why I didn't report it. The cowards will not talk to me. They had already put me in the collateral damage group. Once I made the mistake of calling and asking for help. They hung up on me.  Besides, I rather die on my feet than on my knee's begging for help.

I watched news feeds and the following links for information before blogging on my thoughts.

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