Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rape and murder are common in India because men don't fear the law.

A young woman was traveling on a desolate road to court to give testimony against her rapist's. She was on her way to a train station.  She was attacked by a gang of rogue street dogs consisting of the two rapist's and three other men who drug her into a field. They poured fuel over her body and lit her on fire. She is in a hospital with burns of about 70% to 90% of her body. There are plans to transfer her to a larger hospital.

India had done it's usual  slap on the wrist when the rapist's were originally arrested. They bonded out of jail. A cow is more valuable than a woman.  This latest atrocity was committed  a little more than a week after a young Veternarian disappeared. Her burned  remains were found in a field.

India is a third world country. It will continue to remain in that dismal state until it changes its attitude about women. What business will want to come to India when crimes against women occur without fear of justice. When justice is denied to one, then justice is a joke.

I watched news feeds and read and re-read the following information before blogging

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