Sunday, August 22, 2021

Intellectualy challanged individuals trying to get others to believe in their Covid crap

I have heard, watched on TV news feeds, and read some strange off-the-wall verbal diarrhea comments about Covid. These were made by supposedly intelligent people. 

All I can say about that is "Damn,our gene pool is getting extremely shallow." 

Covid is a virus that is spread by air. Iis important to understand that. That is why wearing a mask correctly is important. Leaving your nose out of the mask is like putting a rubber in your pocket and thinking that's all you need to do before having sex. It is your choice not to wear a mask.

 When and not if you catch Covid,stay the hell out of the ER. You are clogging the system and keeping people who want to live from getting help. In regards to your children not wearing masks, what is the age they are allowed to make their own decisions in your state? Wonder when children services in you state is going to catch on to your neglect? 

Stun guns are legal in the state that I live in. It is my right to follow CDC guidlines. I am disabled amd must look weak. Sitting on a Rollator walker, I was approached while waiting for my ride home. This high and dumb looking male told me that all I needed was God. He stated that he was going to rip my mask off to show that Covid was not something to worry about. I tested my stun gun to see if it has enough charge. When I lookd up with a smile, he ran as the saying goes like a 1"2 year old bitch with a skinned knee". Now, lets talk about those individuals who are stressing their two functioning brain cells by breathing and thinking at the same time. 

Ivermectin is not a Covid medication. FDA says it is not medicine to be used by humans. It is a de-worming medication for use on horses and cows. If you can legally use Ivermectin, get your fat animal ass off the internet. Go to the following links where you can read about Ivermectin.

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