Sunday, September 24, 2017

President Trump blocks comments seriously ill cancer patient on twitter

President Trump actions remind me of those belonging to a recalcitrant child.  If actions or words do not praise him then he does his best to get rid of that person. Twitter is a social media platform. As President he uses it freely to express his opinion. He is President 24/7/365 during his term in office. There is no day off for the office of President. He can go on vacation, play golf, or watch TV.  He does this with Secret service agents guarding him because he is the leader of a nation for his term in office..

President Trumps use of twitter while in office makes it an Official document. The reason being he can't stop being President while he tweets. He is President 24/7/365 during his term in office. That makes his twitter rants official and open. If he blocks someone from seeing them. he is not following the law on open documents. If they are not open, then no one can see them.

The sneaky behind closed door attempt to repeal Obama care is beneath the dignity of the President and Congress. None of the those behind President Trump seem to understand what this means. If any of these people think Insurance carriers will not run the price of insurance up so high for those with preexisting conditions once Governmental constraints are taken off, I have an idea. There is an imaginary swamp that I own on the outside of the recognized territory of the North Pole.  I will sell   1 inch segments of this imaginary property at a time, at what I consider a fair real estate value to them.

Repealing Obama care means there are people who will die. See the eighth link. It is a video done by one of these people who will die. President Trump blocked her on twitter. Her truths bothered him.

If a person studies history, it looks like a part of history is being repeated that the world swore never to do again.  I am making reference to a program that Hitler used to get rid of the sick and dying. It was called Life unworthy of Life.

Please read the links below. If only one link, please make it the eighth link. Let President Trump know on Twitter what you think of the attempt to repeal Obama care. Let all members of congress from your state know also. Let your voice speak for those who can't

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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