Sunday, August 5, 2018

Dishonorable murder continues in Pakistan

Sana Cheema was a young woman. Last year she became an Italian citizen. This did not please her parents. The final straw was when she refused to marry a man they picked out for her. The father felt the family had their honor put in question. He had two male family members help him strangle her. They are cowardly street dogs. There is no honor in murder. The Holy Book of this culture forbids it.

"Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them." (Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 93)

There is one thing about this parent and male family members that fills me with disgust and horror. The parent did this without a second thought. There are parents who step up to the demons giving these orders and just say no .  For some reason, these males became thralls and sacrificed Sana Chema to Iblis. Her screams may have fed Iblis but her soul is with Allah.

This kind of murder is done easily because women  appear to mean  less than cattle in this country. It is mistakenly still called honor killing. That is so wrong. Fecal matter is still fecal matter no matter what type of cologne or clothing is put on it.  In the light of day, a pile of dung is still a pile of dung. Sana Cheema is still dead from murder.

The murderers of this young woman called what they did "honor killing."  That is wrong, because it is a "dishonorable killing" and or murder.  He is in for a surprise when he dies. He murdered his  daughter. This was done in defiance of the Quran for his own petty feelings. The first bite of the fruit of Zaqqum will open his eyes to this. There will be no paradise for this woman hater. He will fill the role of "Bitch boy" for a long line of demons.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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