Tuesday, September 25, 2018

World Leaders laugh at President Trump

Six months before Donald Trump was elected President, I had a horrible nightmare.  From the front row of reporters, I saw the Presidential seal and the empty podium before it.  Suddenly, I hear "Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you the President Donald J. Trump." He walks to the podium . I wake up in a cold sweat and nauseated.

He did not have a clue as to what the job entailed before he became President.  During the near two years since he became President, he remains clueless by his own choice. I prayed like the Bible said to for our inglorious leader.  Like many others, I gave him to God.  Sadly, there has been no answer.  Sometimes the answer from God is hard to take.  America elected him and our answer is silence. We made a lumpy bed.  Now we have to lie in it.  All I am praying for now is for someone to continue to distract him from leading us into war. 

President Trump delivered a speech to the United  Nations.  I saw the video clips and it was painful to watch.  He did his usual lies and bragging.  He was laughed at.  President Trump was at a loss to understand why he was laughed at.  Our inglorious leader brought the United States down in the eyes of the world. The only good thing was there was no open hostility.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.








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