Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Inglorious President Trump acheives a new low

Our Inglorious President has stepped into a deep pile of poop with his suit on and no shoes. He claims the real victims in sexual assault accusations are men like Brett Kavanaugh. He stated that Kavanaugh and men in general are the real victims.  Democrats did not make Kavanaugh and the men with him do what they did.  President Trump opened his mouth and allowed his true vile nature to slither and ooze forth. His repugnant nature just can not be contained.

Our inglorious leader's memory shows that he needs to monitored closely. He originally stated that C. Fords testimony was very credible. There were other positive things he said about her. Now, at a speaking engagement in Desoto county Mississippi, he does a complete 180 degree on his opinion of her.

He laughs at her and mocks her answers. This also applies to the Me Too movement. Watching his face was disgusting.  His vile words were in response to the crowd's behavior.  One does not change one's belief to make people like them.  That shows no moral character in my belief.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.








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