Thursday, October 25, 2018

Intellectual deficit individuals who use bombs instead of words

Terrorism has reared its ugly head on the soil of USA.  Pipe bombs were mailed to several residential and offices of top Democrats and in one case the home of an influential supporter. This is the action  of cowards. They have the genitals of a male but no clue as to what being a male is all about.

The second link and third link below have the words of our inglorious President.  He admits that all news about him that is negative, he calls fake. He does not believe that he is ever wrong. That is mental illness.  See the blog before this, it has other statements from him that are not true.

People need to think about what they hear.  Research it and learn the truth.  Do not be like the jihadist
who kill because some fake teacher of Islam tells them to.  If a person feels they are right, there are other ways to get their point across instead of murder and intimidation. Resorting to base actions of murder and intimidation just means no one will listen because it is wrong. This kind of wrong just labels the person as a (prison butt-bitch wannabe).
I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.


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