Saturday, December 22, 2018

President Trump, make America great again by resigning.

Everybody copies attitudes and behaviors of people they admire. Then they develop their own.  As a young grade school student, from your current behavior it is my opinion that you admired school yard bullies.  School yard bullies never learn from their mistakes. That is one reason why they fall so hard.
You need to check yourself and stop committing the greatest lie. I am referring to the lie to one's self.

Look at all of your failed businesses. See the links below with one star in front of it. The first * link lists your current positives at the beginning but read the whole article. The ending of the article is very clear. The second * link list a group of your failures.  President Trump, the USA is not a company. It is a country. It has a series of checks and balances. See the link with *** in front of it. You violate all aspects of our government.

By doing things your way, great sorrow will be your legacy. Your childish refusal to compromise with the Houses of Governments shows your inability to understand consequences. People will not have money to eat or pay their bills. Do you not realize how many hard working Americans live paycheck to paycheck? They manage their money to live paycheck to paycheck. Hourly wage has not kept up to living expenses.

Since they work for you  do you honestly think their landlords will cut them any slack? You cut food programs to women, infants, children, elderly and the mentally ill. They can barely take care of themselves much less a needy relative. Everybody has a relative in one of the five listed above or know someone close with this situation.

I in their shoes would call all media to the White house as I showed up with one suitcase. They would be my witness to President Trump's refusal to give me a room.  I would then have no choice but to become homeless on the streets with a sign. The sign saying, "President Trump made me homeless and refuses to help." Will tell you why for a jar of peanut butter, crackers, and two cans of fruit underneath. Will appear on TV for double requested items and ride to and from station. Will do street interviews for double requested items.  I know President Trump will have me arrested. When released, I would have no choice but to return back to where I started.

I  know why you are so mad at the resignation letter from General Mattis. Having to eat the truth and be unable to hide it must really gripe you. Something you need to learn. Truth is never fluid and you are frequently wrong.  On TV, you said that you have a list of things to give Democrats to make us safe. There is only one thing that is needed to make the USA safe. Would you please resign ahead of impeachment?

The world has noted that you are now crossing your arms and hugging your body when speaking.  Unconsciously you are putting a barrier in front of you. Hugging your self is the only way for you to get comfort when lying. These actions just reinforce that you will not hear truth from anyone.

Retired General Mattis caught you unaware. Your anger over what he said is noteworthy. Mainly because the truth makes you choke when it was not what you want it to be. Again, truth is not fluid to  God and the world. It is fluid only to you. You are so vengeful, I bet you will fire him before his end date. It will not change what the world thinks of you with your small mind. The truth will remain constant despite your attempts to hide or change it. See the second link from Fox news. Your pet news agency has turned on you and blasted you for refounding  Daesh / Daw'aish

You really need to stop with all your lies. The third link lists 5 of your top lies. In the fourth link, there is 11 pages of your lies with the actual truths listed. Again, you can make America Great Again by resigning.

You really need to improve your cognitive function. See the last link. You have access to warm gyms. Walk 5 minutes a day for a week.  Increase this 5 minutes a week till you get to a 30 minute walk a day. Keep at this level. Your thoughts should be clearer.

Read the following all you Bible - Thumpers:

Matthew 7:15
Matthew 25;40-45

The verses put things in correct perspective.

I watched news feeds for current information and read information from the following links before blogging.

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