Thursday, July 23, 2020

To the misguided idiot or idiot's who keeps trying to break in my apartment (UPDATE)

I don't sleep well due to constant pain.  So, I am up and down most of the night and day. Your walking around the apartment and stopping at my doors and windows has been heard. I also have noted that sometimes you bring along some of your demon friends. Last night at 2 in the morning, you tried to come in. I expect tonight for there to be a confrontation.

Calling law enforcement has been a joke. They say they are coming but they never do. So I am forced to follow the teachings of my earthly father who had a black heart. When he was alive, he taught me the following.  If you call the cops and they do not come, it will play in your favor. There will be  a time that you have to deal with it yourself. Do so as I have taught you.

I changed his instructions a little. As I said out loud last night that the Lord, God Jehova commanded that we be our brothers keepers. He also said that if your hand offends to cut it off because it is better to enter the Kingdom of  Heaven maimed than the kingdom of hell whole. Brother - in- Christ if you enter my apartment without my expressed verbal invitation then what ever body part enters first will have offended me. I will do as commanded by God to remove it. I will do so with extreme prejudice.

Understand that I know that I am a female who has been weakened by extreme illness. My mind is sharper than ever. I have had training that most cops or people never receive. Best of all is the fact of my age. I learned how to play down and dirty and be devious. I will let you get close and will pray for your soul as you go down.

I really don't want to go back to some of my old ways. Our countries law enforcement has left me no choice. I don't drink,do drugs, date or do anything illegal.  My child is the same way.

I live in a poor section of town because I believe in living within my means. Your skin color does not matter because I do not date due to a vow that I made to God. Tonight will play out as your actions dictate. Oh but understand  this. My tall, aggressive but soft spoken son wants to have a come to Jesus meeting with you first.

(UPDATE) I  just got a chance to get back to a computer. The misguided child of God got into my apartment after I said  "No, do not enter my home." He saw where he made a serious mistake. Stun guns are legal in this state for personal protection. I do not believe in murder or the death penalty. His education may need to be repeated if he comes back.  My son had a serious come to Jesus meeting with this misguided child of God before he ran screaming "I'm sorry."

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