Monday, August 24, 2015

Trash War in Lebanon is a symptom

Information from the following links makes it clear that the trash wars are a symptom  of a bigger problem with the government. Sometimes a group can be to close to the problem to see a solution. The solution starts with its trash problem.

Lebanon has an abundance of trash and not enough money. The country has prisons. Utilize the prisoners to separate the trash. There are companies that buy discarded plastic to shred and reuse. Get contracts with these companies. Or offer them a deal to build a plant in Lebanon since there is an abundance of resources. Collect the metal and metal cans for sell. Aluminum cans have a resell value. The country must have industrial incinerators with filters to protect the air. Dispose of paper products this way. That should leave a much smaller amount of refuse that is degradable and can be buried.

If  government officials refused to act, I would have to watch that I did not commit an act of civic disobedience  The officials seem have a way to get rid of their trash as evidenced by their refusal to act. I would take my trash to their house and land so they can get rid of it with their trash.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish claims the action of a coward

Following this blog is a long list of links. The fifth link to the end of the list deals with what Islam is and is not.  False teachers or demons in human skin lead the weak willed to the road to hell. Doing the crimes the false teachers tell you to will cause you to join the false teachers in jahannam / hell. There will be no 72 virgins of either sex. Eternity in hell's paradise starts with eating the fruit of zaqqum

Suicide is a sin. It is "haram." Life is the greatest gift that Allah / God gives to man. To end ones life is a bad thing. To take innocent lives with you makes you a serial murderer. Its almost as if the person "Bitch slaps Allah / God" on the face as he swan dives off the high board straight into the bowels of hell. A suicide car bomber is a coward as well as a serial murderer.

Daesh / Daw'aish claims responsibility for the actions of a bomber. It is a slightly different twist. A vehicle with explosives pulled up to a security building in Cairo, Egypt. The driver got out and got on a motorcycle that was following and left the area before the explosion. An estimated 29 people were injured. These actions are still what one what expect a coward to do. The definition of coward that comes from the Urban Dictionary fits these earth bound demons. The link to this site is below with other links. The definition of a coward is as follows.

"A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man."

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Daesh / Daw'aish murder Antiquities Scholar

Terrorist use lies to confuse the weak willed and to hide their crimes. Lies are haram. They forgot or refuse to acknowledge that no action or crime is hidden from Allah / God.  Crimes committed by them are pleasing only to Iblis. In their rush to join Iblis in Jahannam, they create martyrs too numerous to count. The weak willed like the terrorist will not be excused from judgement. There will be no 72 virgins of either sex for them. Paradise in hell is revealed to them after their first taste of the fruit of zaqqum. Below after the fifth link are links that the weak willed need to read to know the truth about Islam. The last two links are difficult to watch. They show what Daesh / Daw'aish do to animals when they can't find children to rape. (Do not watch with children in the room.)  This can help the weak willed who have not committed murder avoid Jahannan.

Daesh / Daw'aish beheaded an 81 year old archaeologist. This man had a little over 50 years working the sites they were interested in. When he heard that Daesh / Daw'aish were coming, he hid important antiquities.  Hidden in his memory, were other important site locations. He was kept a prisoner for a month while he was interrogated.

Only Allah / God know the hell they put this man through while alive. He did not give up information. Their actions in this type of situation are too well known. They steal what they can and destroy the rest while preening on camera for the world to see what good Muslims they are.

This broken old man threatened them. Others might find strength to do the same. They lost a source of revenue. So they made up reasons to murder one old man. They desecrated his body while they left it in the open for all to see.

People see  Daesh / Daw'aish as demons in human skin. They offer untold sacrifices of men, women, children, and babies to their true master Iblis. They can stop. Their actions have already decided their fate. Some of them will serve as demons in hell upon their death. Some will know pain to the end of time. Others will be stacked in hell's larder.They will be the main course for their masters meal time.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hey Daesh / Daw'aish guess what - murder and rape is "Haram"

The greatest creation of Allah / God is mankind. He never asked  for  the atrocities done by Daesh ' Daw'aish to be carried out. Muhammad must hang his head in shame over the perverted twisting of his words.

Daesh / Daw'aish are serial killers. They kill for made up reasons. Mostly, they kill because they want to. They have created untold numbers of martyrs. The manner in which they murder gives new meaning to the word atrocity. The victims are shot, mutilated, burned, drowned, decapitated, drained of their blood, and buried alive. This list only gives some of their ways to sacrifice to Iblis, Men, women, teenagers, children, and babies are used equally in their human sacrifices. Years ago, they left the Grace of Allah / God to serve their new master Iblis. Only he is pleased when they indulge their base desires.

These demons in human skin now lead others to the service of Iblis. Suppressed human sexuality gives them the males to do so. All of these males are cowards. The Urban Dictionary gives the perfect definition for coward. See the link below to the dictionary.

" A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man."

They used the practice of jelqing in hopes of getting a bigger penis. It does not work. The tissue is eventually stretched. This comes with a price. A price of pain and a penis that does not work quite right or not at all.

Daesh / Daw'aish has instituted a culture of rape that can be traced to August  of 2013. That was when they told a group to search and prove sex slaves were fine. With their history of atrocities, I would have done what they asked. I would have called them Lord Kumquat if that what was what they wanted.

Lets get real. Children as young as 8 are being repeatedly raped. They are tied to a bed. The rapist prays. He tells the girl that the sex is " Ibadah." It is a prayer to Allah  / God  and he finds it pleasing. At the end of the rape, the rapist prays again. The rapist is not serving Allah  / God.  His prayers gives smiles and praise to Iblis. Animals are not even safe. The last two links are graphic. Do not watch if you are sensitive or have children in the room. It shows what these demons in human skin do when they can't find a young girl to rape.

These murders and rapists as well as those who turned them will face a heavenly justice. It does not matter if they were led astray. As a human being at one time, they knew what they were doing was wrong. It will have to be answered for. There will be no virgins of either sex for them. They might find 72 demons waiting to rape them for eternity. Their view of hell becomes  apparent with first taste of the fruit of zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Explosion in Tianjin, China

An explosion occurred in Tianjin, China. It happened in a warehouse used to store hazardous chemicals. Some of the blasts were so huge they were seen by satellites in space. The U.S, Geological Survey said the blasts registered as a seismic events. A very large number of firefighters responded but they were pulled back. No one knows the nature of these chemicals. No one is sure of what chemicals are involved.

The last link is from google search. It shows current pictures from the blast. They show the devastation from this fire and explosion.

There is an estimate at this time of around 50 dead. Twelve  of these are fire fighters. Around 500 are injured and or hospitalized. There are known 36 missing. These numbers are changing.

Pray for these people and their families. If you do not pray, please keep them in your positive thoughts.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Daesh / Daw'aish claims responsibility for actions of a coward

A refrigerator truck bomb exploded at a wholesale vegetable market in Baghdad.  Over 200 people were injured. Estimates of the murdered range from 55 and up. The number of dead may rise since body parts are being gathered.

The person who did this was a cowardly suicide bomber. In the Urban Dictionary, the third definition fits this persons actions perfectly. See the third link from the bottom following this blog

" A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man."

 This coward listened to demons in human skin. He let perverted teachings convince him to become a serial murderer. These false teachers already have sold their soul to Iblis.They wanted more sacrifices for their master Iblis. So they delude and deceive the weak willed to do their bidding. The weak willed will go to Jahannam for this crime along with the false teachers. There will be no 72 virgins of either sex as a reward. Their first view of their hellish paradise comes with the first bite of the fruit of zaqqum.

Islam is not what the demons in human skin claim it is. There are links below that the reader can use to find out what Islam is.  Allah / God has never asked for people to be murdered. Murder is the wish of Iblis.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Taliban talks out of both sides of its mouth

History unlearned is history repeated. The Taliban has spent so much effort in torturing women who want to learn they forgot their need for education. They should have least read a few world history books.

 Hitler had the Brown Shirts, The Brown Shirts did Hitler's dirty work. Torture, rape, mutilation, and death were their calling cards. Hitler got rid of them when he wanted a cleaner public face.

The Taliban spawned Daesh / Daw'aish.  A truly malignant oozing scab on the buttocks of their master Iblis is a fitting description for these demons in human skin. They spend their days offering sacrifices to Iblis while creating wanton destruction. Martyrs are created by them with each sacrifice.
These demons are more evil than their creators, the Taliban, They left before the Taliban before it decided to clean some dirt off its public face.

Daesh  / Daw'aish has returned to where they were birthed.  They are fighting the Taliban for control of the land. The second link is where the Taliban condemns them for the way they murder Afghanistan prisoners.  Daesh / Daw'aish remains creative in sending sacrifices to Iblis. The fourth link deals with Taliban prisoners being made to kneel on bombs before being blown up.

The Taliban talks out of both sides of it mouth like a consummate liar. They have been in service to Iblis for too long. August 10th they sent a suicide bomber to a check point near the Kabul airport. They claimed they were trying to kill a convoy of foreigners. Sixteen people were injured. Four civilians were killed as well as one police officer. The fifth link deals with more Taliban lies. It is a BAD video. The soft of heart should not watch as well as children. It shows the Taliban torturing a member of the Pakistan army.

Daesh  / Daw'aish  did not fall far from the tree. The tree being the Taliban. Neither side knows what Islam is about. Read the links below to find out the truth.  Allah / God  in  both Holy Books of these faiths never asked anyone to murder. These two groups will not receive 72 virgins of either sex. Their eyes will be opened to their eternity in hell with their first bite of the fruits of zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cowards fear those who speak their mind

Niloy Chottopadhoy  another Bangladesh blogger has been hacked to death. Niloy  wrote using the name of  Niloy Neel. He was the fourth blogger murdered this year. 

Bangladesh claims to be a secular country. The police are lashing out at bloggers according to links below. They are told that they are not to hurt any ones religious beliefs because that is a crime in this country. Police  AKM Shahidul Hogue claims that regardless of this that the police has made this murder a priority. The links below show a few arrests have been made in the hacking deaths of bloggers. No charges have been filed in any arrest. My question is if the priority is to ignore these deaths?

An affiliate of Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for these murders in this Indian sub continent.  Mufi Abdullah  Ashraf  who claims leadership stated the following:

"If your 'Freedom of Speech" maintains no limits, then widen your chests for  'Freedom of our Machetes.' "    

Truth is unchanging. It is the same from the beginning of time. It will be the same at the end of time. At no time has Allah / God asked anyone to murder for him. That is the work of demons in human skin. Man does not need an intermediary to know the word of Allah / God.  Doing what a false leader of a faith practice tells you will still land a person in hell. There will be no 72 virgins for the murderer or false leader. Their view of their hellish paradise comes after their meal of the fruit of zaqqum.

To advocate murder is cowardly. The last link below from the Urban Dictionary gives the perfect definition of a coward. I am referring to the third definition. 

" A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man."

When a person or a group tries to forbid spoken or written opinion, a question should come to mind. What are they hiding that is so bad that causes murder to become a viable option? My question is why are they creating martyr's? That is what their worship of Iblis is doing.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.,48205.html

Monday, August 10, 2015

Thirteen year old's will be charged as adults in attempted murder of friend

As parents we need to be involved in our children's lives 100%. They are blank slates, Parents need to know what information they are filling their mind with. This includes the internet. Limit their unsupervised access.  Ask questions especially about what they think or believe after internet use  Do not assume.

Last year, two 12 year old girls tried to kill a friend. They stabbed her 19 times. She survived being outside and alone till she was found the next day. The two girls were found on a road trying to walk to an imaginary fiends castle so they may serve him. This faceless and imaginary fiend is known Slender Man on the internet.

Parents need to know the laws in their state regarding when a child may be charged as an adult. These girls are now 13. Investigations found out the girls  were planning this murder as far back as December 2013.  Prosecutors  have noted the intent to murder. The stabbings were not an accident. Both girls have been charged with attempted first degree murder, Under Wisconsin law, children as young as 10 with this charge can be tried as an adult. These girls have been charged as adults.

Pray for the victim who has returned to school to have peace of mind. These 13 year old girls and their families need prayer. If you don't pray, keep all in your positive thoughts.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Last night (8/9/2015) in Ferguson, Missouri

It was supposed to be a day of quiet reflection on the life of Michael Brown. Instead criminal elements stepped in to ruin it for every one, The police chief was giving a TV interview. A large amount of gun shots were heard from two different directions. Two groups of  people decided to shoot it out. What happened next boggles the mind.

Any normal person knows what happens when you shoot at a cop. They will shoot back and as a rule they don't miss. A young man ran from one of the areas that gun shots were heard like his behind was on fire. An unmarked vehicle turned on its inside  police lights and gave chase. When he shot at this vehicle, it returned fire, He was hit and currently is in unstable condition. The gun he used was stolen.

A reporter was robbed and assaulted. Cops were injured on purpose. There was some looting and property damage.The criminal element slipped in to do wrong and serve their own agenda. A cause matters not. Pray for peace since a day for civil disobediance has been called for. If you don't pray, keep them in your positive thoughts.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

People with Alzheimer's and dementia are not fair game

What adults of legal age and full cognition do in the privacy of their bedroom is their business and no one else's. The problem in this situation is that a 68 year old man has alzheimer's and dementia. A financial dominatrix called 'Goddess Jude" conned the elderly man out of $500,000 dollars and his home. The elderly man's lawyer is helping him in filing a lawsuit to regain his funds and house. This situation is what happens a person's moral compass is missing.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Daesh / Dawaish remain sociopathic serial killers

Nineteen young women have joined the ranks of the martyred. They lost their lives because they refused to become whores for the sexual jihad. Jihad is a word not correctly used by the demons who murdered them. In a true jihad, sex is never attached to it. These sociopath sadistic serial killers end the life of everyone that does not give in to them. They also end the lives of everyone they deem unsuitable to live in their delusional view of the world.

 Murder is the way Daesh / Daw'aish pays homage to their Lord and Master Iblis. They left the presence of Allah / God to serve Iblis. This was the only way they could brutalize, torture, rape, mutilate, and kill Allah / God's greatest creature mankind. Once they started down the path to atrocities, they never looked back. They liked what they could do in the service of Iblis. As a bonus to them, they brutalize animals. Don't view the last two links if you have a weak stomach or children in the room.

The first five links listed below deal with facts about the murdered nineteen women. Following these links are what I consider to be important links. They deal with what Islam is and is not. It is not what Daesh / Daw'aish claims it is. These demons who wear human skin can twist their tongues, twist their heads, or twist their behinds and they still can't make their lies into truths.

These demons have also turned themselves into false prophets. They have led thousands into the service of Iblis. People who follow them need to be careful. Following a false prophet and his mandates will land them in hell. There will be no 72 virgins. Their first view of the hellish paradise
they earned comes after their first bite of the fruits of zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Boko Haram forbids learning so they can be as Gods

Mental Illness is no respecter of  gender nor ethnicity. Its onset can be slow and insidious. In my opinion, the worst is when its onset is rapid. When it happens to those in charge with low intellects and a gift for gab, may Allah / God have mercy on the world. The creation from this mess has a name. It's called Boko Haram. Rogue street dogs are put down. I have difficulty seeing any difference between rogue street dogs and Boko Haram.

Being mentally ill, Boko Haram can not get a grown woman. No woman will voluntarily let a street dog touch her. The men in her family will see to that. So the dogs came up with a solution that only the mentally ill can see the logic of. All possible endings from this action are bad. They raid the villages and kill all men and boys of fighting age. They take the women and children and ooze like pus back to  their scabby hideouts.

Young boys and some older girl are put into the Boko Haram army. Failure to follow orders to murder means their death. This is done in front of the others. A child soldier or a cold sociopath is created.

The young girls and female teenagers face hell on earth. They satisfy the sexual needs of any soldier who wants them. Their is no limit on how many men can use a female of any age. Mothers who are alive and try to stop it are murdered. Many are sold as sex slaves. I say a prayer for all of them daily. If possible, I ask all to say a prayer for them daily. Keep them in your positive thoughts if you can not pray.

This pack of dogs can't roam the perimeter of civilized people without complacency. "It's somebody else's  problem." The unthinkable reason is if those in charge are being paid to look away. Those slime balls should face a War Crimes court.

These rogue street dogs voluntarily aligned themselves to Daesh / Daw'aish (isis). They swear allegiance  to these hell bound butt - bitch wannabe's. Boko Haram at the time swearing allegiance became demons in human skin. Like Daesh / Daw'aish ,they will join their master Iblis in hell on death. There will be no 72 virgins. They will see their hellish paradise with their first taste of the fruit of zaaqum.

Islam is not what these rogue street dogs claim. [ Boko Haram, Daesh / Daw'aish ( isis)] Below are some links about what Islam truly is. They follow the links about Boko Haran. Please click on the links to read. Watch the last two links only if you have a strong stomach and no children in the room. Daesh / Daw'aish abuses animals as well as  female humans.

 Allah / God never asked anyone to murder in the respective Holy Books. Man must know what the Holy Books say. Demons wearing human skin since  the beginning of time have led man astray with hell's version of what the Holy Books contain. Following false teachings will land a person in hell with the false teacher. Both will share from the fruit of Zaaqum.

I read information from the following blogs and watched news feeds before blogging.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Chechen women give Daesh / Daw'aish (isis) their comeuppance

Daesh / Daw'aish has dealt with the weak willed in their recruitment process. They considered themselves "The be all and end all." People listen and do what they want from their point of view and past experience. Chechen women have thrown a monkey wrench into their engine.

I fear only God. These women are braver than I believe I am. Or it could be that their need was greater than mine has ever been.

The women responded to Daesh / Daw'aish recruitment tactics. They allowed themselves to be persuaded to become Jihad Brides. Then they bemoaned the fact they had no money. Once they had the money,they deleted all traces of themselves on the internet.

This might have continued for a while if the Chechen Police had not been monitoring for fraud. I don't condone fraud but these women deserve a medal for doing it to this group. Hopefully the judge is lenient.

Daesh / Daw'aish  is a stain in the underpants of Iblis / Satan. They create martyrs when they mutilate and butcher Allah / God's greatest creation of man. No where in the Holy Books of both faiths is the request for murder found. The women need to be careful. People who are weak willed and sociopaths will be sent to butcher them in creative ways.

I found one interesting fact will reading articles on this subject. Some Russian men have duped this group into sending money. They claimed they were women wanting to be Jihad Brides. Once they got the money, they erased their electronic footprints

Islam is not what this terror group claims. Below are some links that will let you know what Islam is and is not. Don't listen to demons in human skin that try to convince you to do wrong because God told them it is right. Your actions caused by a false teacher can send you to hell.

If you are a nervous person don't look at the last two you tube links. Keep children away from the screen. They show what these so called men do to animals. Only demons give the go ahead for any one to do this.

All I can say to these Chechen women is "You rock." May Allah / God's angels wrap their wings around you and protect you.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging

Saturday, August 1, 2015

"Price Tag" murders in Israel serve Satan / Iblis

Anger is a human emotion. The emotion is primitive and so are any actions it causes. As beings created by Allah / God, we know that is not how he wanted us to act. After forgiving the transgressor, we are to stop and think.

If it is due to an injustice, remember that we are humans and created by Allah / God. Follow the course of Law. Turn the matter over to the legal governing body for their judgement. If that does not work, gather people and change the law. Sometimes that does not work. Then turn the matter over to the faith's lawful governing body. Pray for them to be guided by Allah / God and follow their decision. That means even if you want to react as a thug instead. Try to react as a child of the most high.

Murder was never condoned or asked for by Allah / God in any of their Holy Books. As people of the faith, we must be on guard for demons clothed as humans. Know the true teachings of your faith. Doing wrong and committing atrocities because you were told its right will not save you from the horrors of hell. You will join the ranks of Daesh / Daw'aish in hell. Your actions are just as bad.

Lets get real for a minute. Foam and spit at the mouth if you want to. I know some of you scream till you lose your voice if a woman tells you that you are wrong. Here it is.

The only other reason to react in anger is that you like it. Serving Iblis / Satan turns you on sexually. Joy from doing evil gives you a rush.

Murder is wrong. Twist your behind, twist your head, or twist your tongue but murder still will not be right in the eyes of Allah / God.  Murders create martyrs.

Twisting the words of the respective Holy Books  to prove you are right is evil. Truth is unchanging through out time and it can't be changed. Your atrocities have earned you a one way trip to hell with Daesh / Daw'aish.

I read information from the following news links and watched news feeds before blogging.