History unlearned is history repeated. The Taliban has spent so much effort in torturing women who want to learn they forgot their need for education. They should have least read a few world history books.
Hitler had the Brown Shirts, The Brown Shirts did Hitler's dirty work. Torture, rape, mutilation, and death were their calling cards. Hitler got rid of them when he wanted a cleaner public face.
The Taliban spawned Daesh / Daw'aish. A truly malignant oozing scab on the buttocks of their master Iblis is a fitting description for these demons in human skin. They spend their days offering sacrifices to Iblis while creating wanton destruction. Martyrs are created by them with each sacrifice.
These demons are more evil than their creators, the Taliban, They left before the Taliban before it decided to clean some dirt off its public face.
Daesh / Daw'aish has returned to where they were birthed. They are fighting the Taliban for control of the land. The second link is where the Taliban condemns them for the way they murder Afghanistan prisoners. Daesh / Daw'aish remains creative in sending sacrifices to Iblis. The fourth link deals with Taliban prisoners being made to kneel on bombs before being blown up.
The Taliban talks out of both sides of it mouth like a consummate liar. They have been in service to Iblis for too long. August 10th they sent a suicide bomber to a check point near the Kabul airport. They claimed they were trying to kill a convoy of foreigners. Sixteen people were injured. Four civilians were killed as well as one police officer. The fifth link deals with more Taliban lies. It is a BAD video. The soft of heart should not watch as well as children. It shows the Taliban torturing a member of the Pakistan army.
Daesh / Daw'aish did not fall far from the tree. The tree being the Taliban. Neither side knows what Islam is about. Read the links below to find out the truth. Allah / God in both Holy Books of these faiths never asked anyone to murder. These two groups will not receive 72 virgins of either sex. Their eyes will be opened to their eternity in hell with their first bite of the fruits of zaqqum.
I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.
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