Mental Illness is no respecter of gender nor ethnicity. Its onset can be slow and insidious. In my opinion, the worst is when its onset is rapid. When it happens to those in charge with low intellects and a gift for gab, may Allah / God have mercy on the world. The creation from this mess has a name. It's called Boko Haram. Rogue street dogs are put down. I have difficulty seeing any difference between rogue street dogs and Boko Haram.
Being mentally ill, Boko Haram can not get a grown woman. No woman will voluntarily let a street dog touch her. The men in her family will see to that. So the dogs came up with a solution that only the mentally ill can see the logic of. All possible endings from this action are bad. They raid the villages and kill all men and boys of fighting age. They take the women and children and ooze like pus back to their scabby hideouts.
Young boys and some older girl are put into the Boko Haram army. Failure to follow orders to murder means their death. This is done in front of the others. A child soldier or a cold sociopath is created.
The young girls and female teenagers face hell on earth. They satisfy the sexual needs of any soldier who wants them. Their is no limit on how many men can use a female of any age. Mothers who are alive and try to stop it are murdered. Many are sold as sex slaves. I say a prayer for all of them daily. If possible, I ask all to say a prayer for them daily. Keep them in your positive thoughts if you can not pray.
This pack of dogs can't roam the perimeter of civilized people without complacency. "It's somebody else's problem." The unthinkable reason is if those in charge are being paid to look away. Those slime balls should face a War Crimes court.
These rogue street dogs voluntarily aligned themselves to Daesh / Daw'aish (isis). They swear allegiance to these hell bound butt - bitch wannabe's. Boko Haram at the time swearing allegiance became demons in human skin. Like Daesh / Daw'aish ,they will join their master Iblis in hell on death. There will be no 72 virgins. They will see their hellish paradise with their first taste of the fruit of zaaqum.
Islam is not what these rogue street dogs claim. [ Boko Haram, Daesh / Daw'aish ( isis)] Below are some links about what Islam truly is. They follow the links about Boko Haran. Please click on the links to read. Watch the last two links only if you have a strong stomach and no children in the room. Daesh / Daw'aish abuses animals as well as female humans.
Allah / God never asked anyone to murder in the respective Holy Books. Man must know what the Holy Books say. Demons wearing human skin since the beginning of time have led man astray with hell's version of what the Holy Books contain. Following false teachings will land a person in hell with the false teacher. Both will share from the fruit of Zaaqum.
I read information from the following blogs and watched news feeds before blogging.
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