Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hey Daesh / Daw'aish guess what - murder and rape is "Haram"

The greatest creation of Allah / God is mankind. He never asked  for  the atrocities done by Daesh ' Daw'aish to be carried out. Muhammad must hang his head in shame over the perverted twisting of his words.

Daesh / Daw'aish are serial killers. They kill for made up reasons. Mostly, they kill because they want to. They have created untold numbers of martyrs. The manner in which they murder gives new meaning to the word atrocity. The victims are shot, mutilated, burned, drowned, decapitated, drained of their blood, and buried alive. This list only gives some of their ways to sacrifice to Iblis, Men, women, teenagers, children, and babies are used equally in their human sacrifices. Years ago, they left the Grace of Allah / God to serve their new master Iblis. Only he is pleased when they indulge their base desires.

These demons in human skin now lead others to the service of Iblis. Suppressed human sexuality gives them the males to do so. All of these males are cowards. The Urban Dictionary gives the perfect definition for coward. See the link below to the dictionary.

" A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man."

They used the practice of jelqing in hopes of getting a bigger penis. It does not work. The tissue is eventually stretched. This comes with a price. A price of pain and a penis that does not work quite right or not at all.

Daesh / Daw'aish has instituted a culture of rape that can be traced to August  of 2013. That was when they told a group to search and prove sex slaves were fine. With their history of atrocities, I would have done what they asked. I would have called them Lord Kumquat if that what was what they wanted.

Lets get real. Children as young as 8 are being repeatedly raped. They are tied to a bed. The rapist prays. He tells the girl that the sex is " Ibadah." It is a prayer to Allah  / God  and he finds it pleasing. At the end of the rape, the rapist prays again. The rapist is not serving Allah  / God.  His prayers gives smiles and praise to Iblis. Animals are not even safe. The last two links are graphic. Do not watch if you are sensitive or have children in the room. It shows what these demons in human skin do when they can't find a young girl to rape.

These murders and rapists as well as those who turned them will face a heavenly justice. It does not matter if they were led astray. As a human being at one time, they knew what they were doing was wrong. It will have to be answered for. There will be no virgins of either sex for them. They might find 72 demons waiting to rape them for eternity. Their view of hell becomes  apparent with first taste of the fruit of zaqqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

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