Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ben Carson opened his mouth and said what he felt

Everyone experiences fear. It can be a good thing when it causes us to slow down and evaluate what is going on.  When  it causes a person to denigrate  a people, its time to stop and seek help. When that person wants to go against a core value of the country he wants to  lead, he should do something else.

Daesh / Daw'aish scare everyone. Their mindless butchery occurs without reason.  World Leaders have only themselves to blame  for their growth. The disease of Daesh / Daw'aish was ignored. The oldest and nastiest reason was used by these leaders.

                               It's not our problem!

It's the worlds problem now.  Just like a cancer, they spread. The cancer is very difficult to remove. It more than likely will take multiple efforts over time to get rid of all the cancer cells.

If a man's family is in danger, he will take them and run. Starvation will cause them to do the same. What man will stay when his daughters can be taken as sex slaves at any age by force. In the same token, he will not stay where he knows his young sons can be murdered. This is what a human does.

Ben Carson denied the Syrian refugees their humanity. He called them rabid dogs that Americans need to be protected from.  Mr. Carson  needs to refresh his history knowledge. Our country beginnings started with refugees.  He also desperately needs to reacquaint himself with the core values of our country. A useful teaching tool for the head strong is to have someone read the material to them.

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