Friday, November 20, 2015

Donald Trump opens his mouth about Syrian Refugees

The Presidential election this coming year will put an end to our every four year lying contest.  A winner will get the coveted job of President and everyone hopes its one who has the best interest of our country at heart. A lot of Americans believe that new blood is needed. It's time for people who feel the call to service instead of people looking for prestige to get the job.

I felt that Donald Trump might be that person. Guess I was off with thought process. When it comes to voting a person into office, I learned an important truth. Never be absolutely sure who you will vote for until you go into the voting booth. When a candidate feels they got the office is when  their true self come out.

The Syrians are human beings.  Dogs, cattle, goats and other animals go on a tracking data base.  The sickest thing is that Trump wants to  make a Muslim tracking data base. The Japanese Internment camps were a crime and a national shame. History unlearned is history that will be repeated with Trump at the helm.

Every one needs to stop and remember the beginnings of our country. A very large percentage of the people were refugees. .As for the Syrians, if you know that you are going to die or starve you take your family and run.  Its what humans do.  It is what many of the people who founded our country did. You can't fault a people for wanting to live and still claim to be a human yourself.

Crime is not specific to refugees. Acts of terror are not specific to refugees. For example, look at the individual who  killed people at at a church Bible study. As Americans, we need to not let fear guide our actions. Click on the second link to learn  what racism is and is not. Trump should have it read to him daily.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

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