Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cowards suicide bomb poor Beirut neighborhood

The Urban Dictionary gives the perfect definition of coward. Click on the first link below and scroll down to the third definition. Cowards have male genitalia but no clue as to what being a man is about.

Three cowards who are poster children for retro-active birth control became suicide bombers. One was responsible for a motorcycle loaded with explosives, The second one had a vest loaded with explosives. Fortunately the third one was found dead with his vest intact, He died before he could trigger it ti explode.

This happened in the Bourj al-Barajeneh district in southern Beirut. It is a impoverished suburb. More to the point, It has large group of people that Daesh / Daw'aish hates. Shia Muslims live there. There is no accounting for whom  mentally ill serial killers fixate on.

Suicide bombers are fooled into killing themselves and others by lies. The people they kill join the long line of martyrs sent to heaven. The bombers are still responsible for killing themselves and others due to a lie they believed. There will be no 72 virgins of either sex for them. More like 72 demons waiting to play with them. Unfortunately their eyes will be opened to the truth with the first taste of the fruit of zaaqum.

I read information from the following links and watched news feeds before blogging.

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