Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Eric Trump says father's critics and news media are not human

Eric Trump says and feels that people as well as the new media who criticize his father are not classified as people. Those words are the recourse used by bullies when cornered.  Even though what is said is backed up by fact, Mr. Eric Trump feels that it is an attack against his father and family. He acts that any opposition to his father is an obstruction to a great man. This is not Russia. We in America have a right to say what we feel. The opinion on weather President #45 is a great man causes a few laughs. If  Mr. Eric Trump has a different opinion, get on twitter and state why he thinks people are wrong. That is his right. He should be prepared for answers.

President # 45 came in like gang busters. This man climbed to the top over the backs of the weakest people. He should have been taught something important that holds true in these situations. Those backs are connected to the butts he will have to kiss on the way down.

Eric Trump feels like people have no morals who criticize because they have a different opinion. If they stand up then they are obstructing a great man. Morals relate to the principles of what is right or wrong.  Standing up with a straight back bone and either agreeing or disagreeing does not mean that I am wrong or obstructing. To see or hear a wrong and not stand and do any thing about it means that the person in question is a pile of poop. Poop can not stand and will never stand.

Discourse is a lost art. I will tell you respectfully why you are wrong with facts. Then you tell me respectfully why your facts are correct. Instead of beating the crap out of each other or screaming till a blood vessel bursts in our eyes, this is the time to talk it out with facts. Sometimes adults have to agree to disagree when there is a difference due to a belief written in stone.  Physical violence and name calling should have been left at the playground of childhood.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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