Friday, June 23, 2017

Thoughts from a 60 year old who is now afraid of her government

I have never been afraid of anything even hard work. Worked a week end job before I was in the sixth grade. Gave that five dollars to mom. It brought food to stretch dad's paycheck so we could eat. Beans, rice, and spaghetti fill a stomach. The pear and fig tree provided fruit for the freezer. Fishing provided meat for the freezer as well as the what ever squirrel or rabbit could be shot.  As a family we ate and did not know that this way was not the norm. Excuses were something that lazy people used as a reason not to try.

My parents told me that I could stay at home while going to college but I had to pay $30.00 a week for groceries. Went to college for  2 years while working full time nights and weekends. Paid my college fees and gave grocery money to mom. Caught hell from the instructors for working every day. I learned not to cry and what to say. When told that I was dumb, stupid and ignorant. I apologized for the genetic defect that affected my IQ.  Three others and myself became their pet project because we had to work. I earned my A.A.S. in nursing and passed state boards the first time.  (All the pet project group did.) Started work one week after graduation.

Getting pregnant was not in my plans. But, I had said that if  I was not married by age 35 I would have a child by choice.  I had always been told but had forgotten that if you make a plan without God's input be prepared for surprises. I turned 26 in the hospital after having my son. He was and is my greatest joy.

My heart almost broke when the Doctor's told me he might not live.  The hardest prayer that I ever said was one of thanks. I thanked God for the time I got to hold him.  Then I told God that I would do my best to understand if he had to take him. Needless to say, he is a fine grown man. He does not drink or do drugs. No children yet despite my constantly asking for a grandchild. Home schooled and a college graduate. Holds a full time job.  Fills my heart with pride. Give thanks to God each day for letting him stay.

Now comes the part that bothers me to admit. I am afraid of the President and his acolytes.  God said to pray for our leaders. Not the kind of prayer where they get hurt and leave office.  A prayer where they open their hearts and minds to instruction. Most of all, leave their persona agendas at home. I pray that they follow the guideline for the branches of government in the first link. At present, they do not.

History unlearned is history that will be repeated. Somebody is taking a page out of Hitlers play book. Its a new version of "Life Unworthy of Life." See the fourth link below.  Evidently, I am not the only one with this thought. See the second link of pictures. Scroll through them slowly.

Just like then, food will be taken from women, children, elderly, and disabled  from the actions of our government. Health care and medications will be taken away. What is left is, a slow death. I can see why people want their bodies cremated. Parts of them will be sent to the devil's acolytes that enacted the laws that caused their death. I have a different thought because I see things differently. If my death is due to President # 45's actions and the actions of his acolytes, I want my body cremated. Then I want parts of the ashes in all three branches of government spread so none can see them. That way, I can be a pain in their butt for them causing my death. An old shaman taught me how.

For right now, I have increased my knowledge of edible plants. Studying now how to make and live live in home made shelters.  See, the government does not like people to get medicare if they are under 65. My congestive heart failure, (Last months CXR  still shows pulmonary edema) macular degeneration,poor healing spinal fractures due to osteoporosis, severe brittle I.D.D.M. requiring multiple shots of insulin daily, pancreatitis  due to structural defects  of the organ, several strokes, and multiple other medical problems requiring medication does not matter.  In their backwards way they have decided my life has had no value so I do not deserve to live.

I mattered to people. There were numerous lives that I saved in the area of nursing that I went into. On various volunteer services, I made a difference. I have held the hand of people who lost everything. Then when they could breath, gave written instructions on where to go for help.

Helped children who were swamped with too many emotions to handle. One child, I will always remember. He would scream daily about his belly pain and had quit eating. I asked him in the middle of his screaming did he ever get mad at his mother before the floods. His eyes got big and he shook his head yes. Then I asked him if he had powerful wishes. He froze. I held out one hand and asked him to wish me a roll of quarters so I could do my laundry.  He closed his eyes and shook with the force of his concentration. When he opened his eyes he was shocked that there wasn't a roll of quarters. I explained that he had a temper tantrum when he got mad at his mother. That was a normal thing that kids his age did. What he wished was the actions of a child and did not cause the floods. I motioned to one of the workers to bring me two pop cycles. I hope you like grape because that is all we have. He ate that one and I gave him the other one. His mother came over and I explained it to her. They both had a good cry. When he saw that I had a plate of hot dogs, I gave them to his mother. Since I had work to do, she would see that he didn't eat them too fast. He walked off with her watching the plate of hot dogs. He had no more abdominal pain. I made a difference to this child and many more.

My life matters. It is up to God to decide when I should go home. An action of man causing the death of anyone is evil. That serves the will of Satan.  At their death, the evil ones  will have the company of Hitler and other mass murders in hell. They will find out how much they have in common with each other.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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