Sunday, November 12, 2017

Atrocities on par with Adolf Hitler in Myanmar

Atrocities continue in Myanmar against the Rohingya. The government had accepted the Rohingya as a national race in the past. They were even  elected to the Parliament.  In the late 20th century, it was decided to change their status to illegal Bengali immigrants. They have been stripped of human rights. They can not work or fish to feed themselves or their families.  Myanmar soldiers conduct "clearance operations" against  the Rohingya by calling every Rohingya a terrorist. Torture and rape are common. The name "clearance operation" is another name for ethnic cleansing.  The countries leader,  Aung san Kyi Un denies it even though pictures and survivors exist.

The village of Tula Toli in Myanmar is a sight of horrific atrocities.  A helicopter landed next to the village.  Rakine Buddists and non-Rohingya people joined the soldiers. The people were told they were safe but their homes might be burned. They were asked to go to the beach for their safety.

On the beach an atrocity occurred. People were mowed down with by gunfire. The dead were chopped up and thrown into the river. Those that escaped reported on what happened.  See the fourth link for survivors account.  Gang raped till some of the young girls and women died from it.  Some survivors burned alive. One woman had her 1 year old daughter ripped from her arms and thrown alive into a bonfire of burning clothes. Other children were thrown alive into bonfires.

After Adolf Hitler, the world swore never again.  Genocide is happening again and world leaders look the other way. They choose to "talk it to death." I worry that the Rohingya will disappear as a people before world leaders decide to do something.  I can almost hear them saying a collective "Oh well" when the Rohingya vanish from the world

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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