I have cardiac asthma and severe pain from other medical problems. All the medication in the world can not change some disease processes. I don't take medication for pain. The medication is for a heart problem. When it's bad, I open the door to breath. The fan is close by blowing on me. I started noticing some things that I should not. This can happen during the day or night. Somebody needs to seriously upgrade their surveillance training.
For safety, I generally sit inside with screen door locked. I sit very still because pain is always present. The only thing that moves slightly is my eyes. My son or someone else is only a shout away in the house with me. Listed below are some are some things that I should not see.
... A bush is something common and not out of place. It can cover a wide angle. The bush should not grow in height with the glare of a lens easily seen. It should not lower to its previous height. This
has been witnessed twice by two different people with me.
... When I turn out the lights and open the door, I should not see three lights from various spots come on. Camcorders are easy to spot. They have a small extra light that is off center.
... If you listen to my phone calls, have some class. Feed back loops are bad in so many ways.
When I say "Hey dumb ass, there is a feed back loop. Stop and fix it." Deep breathing is
something I expect from a teenage male. Go to the bathroom and date your self before work.
Trying to tell me something in a soft voice tells me that you don't follow the rules. I don't trust
... Present your self to your bosses for retraining on how to follow people. Suits with narrow ties are standout in the wrong way. Wear a ear piece and a crack addict knows what you are. Glaring at me
like I ate your candy bar lets every one on the train know who you are following.
You cost me my cancer Dr. I had been aware for a long time of a helicopter that would fly over
places where I was at. I said nothing because it would sound nuts. Lonewalker who was with me
one evening saw it. Two other friends saw it and proclaimed that the pilot should be named
"Mr. Creepy". At the Doctors office, I was looking out the window and watching a drain pipe
blow in the wind. Your helicopter dropped down as the Dr. came in the room. It was good that the office was on the ninth floor. He saw what was on the side of the copter. The pilot pointing at me before he took off did not help. He felt it was best for the hospital to discharge me from care.
I cried at home and got on with my life.
...There are many other situations that happened. The last one that I will mention is the funniest.
When you follow people be aware that windows have reflections. I knew that I was being
followed. I was watching them watching me. I knew the owner of a store. After talking to her, she
let me out the back door. A door opened two stores down and I walked out its front door. I
stopped at the car following me. I simply said "Hello, are you following me for a reason?" One
grabs at his gun. The other grabs his crotch. I just said, "I guess you shoot with what you shoot
Each of the situations that I have talked about are witnessed by others that were with me. A witness to a most bizarre situation that happened was my son. He has a very large number of online friends due to online MMO type of games. One of his friends is retired military. This friend was asked to ask my son to ask me would I be willing to help at an agency. They took the time to find out what I feel about law enforcement. "They are a necessary evil because man will not behave. Law enforcement becomes a problem because absolute power corrupts absolutely." I said no. They did not ask me. That shows no honor. Lastly they assign handlers. Animals are handled. I am not four footed and furry. My butt may be as big as a cows but I am not a cow.
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