Wednesday, November 29, 2017

President Trump or #45----Your anti Muslim nonsence needs to stop

President Trump or #45, I am amazed.  Just when I think  you have reached bottom you manage to claw your way lower.  Decorum still and most likely will always remain a foreign concept to you. Your propaganda retweets of racist videos last night about Muslims are low. They show your ignorance.

Mental illness is no respecter of ethnicity, country of origin, social background, economic background, or job. To retweet racist hate videos is just wrong. Our country has its own share of idiots. Look at Jim Jones and the Waco tragedy. Not all Muslims are bad.  Down the street from where I live, there is a Mosque. They give food out weekly because there is a great need.  Bad people don't help those in need.

I realize that you don't give a damn about the harm you do. Working with the mentally ill has given me a little insight. You feel in your heart that you have done no wrong at any time.  So therefore, You are never wrong. This a sign of mental illness.  It must give you a headache to know that your constituents think of you as joke instead of a God or Godsend.

May I strongly suggest one thing. Get help from a Medical Doctor in case your bizarre behavior is due to a medical problem. If your problem is not medical, seek psychiatric help. There is no shame in needing help. There is shame and disgrace in knowing you need help and not seeking help.

I watched news feeds and read information from the following links before blogging.

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