Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hey foolish one!

You still have not educated yourself. Advanced anti-viral programs also stop phishing programs. I knew the moment you started. Just to let you know my passwords are changed at irregular intervals just like  my I.P. address. Try using your words and expanding your mind with discourse. Stop trying to slither in the back door. Your actions have the attributes of slime mold.

Pray for the victims of I.S.I.S. / Daehes

     The spawns of Iblis have have done it again. Killing is never not enough for them. They instill terror and then butcher their victims. These victims have pain only for a while. The murders will
face pain for all eternity after their death. They perverted the the teachings of Muhammad to achieve their goal of chaos to please Iblis. Punishment for that will be noteworthy.

Click on the following links to read more.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hey foolish one! You can't shut me up!

     It's ok not to like what I blog about. That is your right as well as it is my right to write what I feel. If you want discourse respond with a comment. I will answer.

      To download a trojan program that allows you to control my computer shows that you have a small mind. Small minds fear others that have the ability to think for themselves. If that catches on  then others will find out small minds are always wrong. Have you ever heard of advanced anti-viral programs? They capture, isolate and remove all viruses and trojans.

      I have access to many computers. Guess what? I can write and send my thoughts that way. Telephones are wonderful means of communication. So I have many ways to get my thoughts across.

     Spend time with the leader of your faith practice. Learn an appropriate way to let others know what you think. Respect the diversity of life created by the supreme being. Doing otherwise is a slap in his face.

Please go to the following links for more information.

Punishment Fit for all Terrorists

     Terrorists are an abomination to the Supreme Being of all faith practices.  After their death, judgement and punishment for their crimes against humanity will be swift but exact. Unlike their victims who suffered only till they died, they will suffer for all eternity.

     The question comes into play on how they should pay for their crimes here on earth. I believe they should be sentenced to live their natural life in the following type of prison setting.

     They should be placed into an all white prison completely devoid of color. No person in this prison is to have any color on their body except white. Lights are to be kept on 24 hours a day. A Imam needs to record the true Koran not the altered version that terrorist use. This should be played 24 hours a day. No contact with other prisoners. No television, books, radio, or visitors. Three bland meals a day. Medical care for physical problems. An Imam for mental problems. They must be on 24 hour a day for suicide watch.

    These individuals set themselves above the world and the supreme being. This was a nightmare in hell for all living creatures they were in contact with.  So they should live their life  out of contact with any living creature. Listening to the true Koran playing constantly may eventually bring them away from Iblis and into the light of the supreme being. The must pay for their crimes on earth so the sentence will not change. They must be sentenced to live.

Please go to the following links for more information.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Boko Haram - Sadistic Murderers

     Mental illness happens to any gender, race, or culture. This illness can be mild or very severe. It is treatable with medication and  / or other therapies. Problems occur when the need for treatment is ignored. It decreases the quality of life for the individual with the illness. Their ability to interact with others as a human  becomes a severe problem.

     Boko Haram has been classified as a terrorist organization. Unchecked mental illness fuels their rages. They maim, mutilate, and murder men, women, children, and infants at will.  Google - Boko Haram burns churches.  Scroll to images and click on it to open. There you will find images that are not for the faint of heart. They burned people as well as churches.

     Rape  is  a tool that  Boko Haram  employs. They kidnap women and young girls after killing the men. These women and girls are raped repeatedly. Some are married off against their will. Others are sold as slaves. Sometimes they are sold to brothels. To satisfy the perverted needs of some of their group, young boys have been kidnapped. The only group that has not been subjected to rape are the local barn yard animals. At least they (Boko Haram) have not bragged about it.

     Being mentally ill does not mean Boko Haram members can not tell right from wrong. It is their desire to choose wrong because it is easy. They choose not to get treatment. It is their choice to pervert the teachings of Muhammad in order to serve the devil / Iblis. Their servitude to Iblis has caused them to commit known and unknown horrors to please their new master. Rogue animals are put down, Rogue humans need to be contained and made to pay for their actions

 Please go to the following links for more information that I found while doing online research to find out the truth about Boko Haram.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bear Witness

     Auchwitz was a perfect example of what happens when mankind looks the other way. People were maimed, mutilated, and murdered in mind numbing numbers.The only thing these people did wrong was to exist or not agree with genocide. Some were killed because they were not aware of the demon inhabited madmen / nazis in their vicinity. Hitler did this and it took a world war to stop this.

     I.S.I.S. / Dahes has allowed their bodies to be inhabited by the red djinn / demons  of their faith. They perverted the teachings of Mohammad and the Quran. They invented new ways to kill and instill terror. These humans turned their back on Allah in order to serve Iblis. Human body parts became their play toys.

     Mankind needs to step up. If Al-Quaeda, Boko Haram, I.S.I.S. / Dahes, Khorasan, and the Taliban are not stopped, the horror lives. It will slither into the minds of others and continue to grow. More people will die.

Please go to the following links. Scroll down the page to images to see the destruction and butchery which are their hall marks.


Other links I went to for this blog:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Regarding Jihadi John and Japan

Hey there, Jihadi John.

I just wanna say, gurl, ya look GOOD in pink!

Keep it up! It's so nice to know you wear yer undies on the outside like the child you are. I's just surprised you let those photos leak on the internet. This explains why you're so mad and angry. Just find a Domme who does sissification, dammit.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Found this and is it true?

I found this article while doing research on another topic. It is disturbing and if true disgusting. I can not seem to find other articles to cross reference it. Can somebody email me if they have information on it? Thank you in advance. The following web address is where I found the article.

Action of a Palastnian Coward

The Palastnian coward got on a bus in Israel. He withdrew a big knife and stabbed a large number of people before he ran. He was shot and captured. The people he stabbed were not doing anything but going through their morning activities. He chose violence to reflect his anger at life. Hamas has already claimed it as a heroic act. Cowardly acts are not heroic. They are the works of intellectually and morally challenged sub-humans. The urban dictionary gives the following definition of coward.

A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man

Please go to the following links to read more information for yourself.

Yemen overlooked the cancer called Al-Qaeda

Yemen is going through a coup. The president is no longer in charge. Yemen is in chaos. Chaos has been growing slowly for a while.

Al-Qaeda slipped in quietly like a cancer cell was ignored. Serious damage occurred from this action. Just like cancer, Al- Qaeda took over the body. Pray for the people who will suffer for this. Their way of life will change in ways they have yet to comprehend.

Please go to the following links for more information. I read them before writing this blog.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jehadi John (idiot) - His ignorance is exceeded only by his stupidity

Isis /Daw'aish has taken two Japanese hostages. They want 2 million dollars or Jihadi John will cut the head off of the hostages. By now, the world knows that nothing will save the hostages. Their fate was decided before the ransom went out. We (the world) can only pray for them and their families.

It seems that Isis / Daw'aish  got upset with Japan because they have a strong back bone. Japan pledged a very large amount of money to fight them.  Isis / Daw'aish told Japan the hostage situation is their fault for listening to the U.S. They do not believe any person or nation can look at a situation, evaluate, and initiate a course of action without their perverted view. Their use of horrific murder is intended to intimidate people to do their bidding.Nobody ever told the idiots that this method generally works only in under developed third world countries.

Please go to the following links that I read before this blog.

Ex-Vanderbilt football players charged with Rape

The rape was discovered by accident.  A dorm video was being reviewed because of vandalism. It showed two of the charged ex-players carrying a unconscious woman into a dorm room. This is a co-ed dorm. On the same tape a naked male student was observed outside his dorm room. The saddest thing was two female students observed the unconscious woman being carried  and alerted no one.

   These four students committed the rape.They took pictures on their cell phones as well as videos of the rape in progress. Two different people were sent this abomination. Each of these players may have been at Vanderbilt but they must have missed some important classes. Deleted pictures and video's were recovered from their cell phones. The players were not aware of this capability.

Their lawyers are what really bothers me. They are trying to claim the rape happened as a result of a culture of drinking and promiscuity. Words did not commit rape. Each of these of these men had full control of their penis.

Please go to the following articles to read about what happened. The sites contain many articles.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mental Constipaption

Thought processes need to be free flowing like the bowels. They must be able to change as the situation requires. The bowels adapt to a new diet. Constipation in either of these areas is bad.

While watching the news this morning,I heard the President speak about what he wanted to do for the middle class. Always  the  Washington clueless  speak out about helping the middle economic class. The talk  was about taking the money for this from the upper economic class.. There is a problem. The base for this way of describing the economic status of Americans involves a third class, I am talking about the lower economic class. They are the base of the pyramid for economic classification.

The old method of applying social status to economic classification is just plain wrong. Read the Wikipedia article. It has 12 levels of economic classification and appropriate social classification.

Forgetting to consider helping the lower economic class is wrong on a political basis as well as on a moral level. Thinking that there are social and state agencies that help just means you are out of touch. Send someone to them for help and have them document the results. I get less than 1,300 dollars a month for income. Trying to apply for food stamps was a nightmare. At first I made 50 dollars to much a month for help. After taking a butt load of mental abuse from the worker for daring to try to get the 10 dollars she said I qualified for, I stood up and told her to stop. Lean times were a better option. How many have met the same or worse roadblocks in applying for help? Then to hear how the middle class needs more help is a slap in the face.

The lower economic class have a lot of votes that count. Have you noticed that displeasure at being forgotten is starting to be reflected in election results? So stir up the thought processes and think about everybody if you are in a position of power

Please go to the following sites for additional information. These were read before blogging,

I.SI.S / Daesh tried to ooze from their outhouse into Israel

     Watched the news this morning while drinking coffee. I.S.I.S./Daesh had a sleeper cell arrested in Israel. The seven people admitted to their crimes. A horrible part of this Iblis inspired act of service is what they did to animals. In order to learn how to cut the heads off of humans, they practiced cutting the heads off of animals.

     My first response is to say that these seven people are not human. That response would be wrong. Unfortunately they are human. When they chose to serve Iblis, the part of their brain that is responsible for compassion failed  and stopped working. It was the consequence of their action.

They broke the laws of Allah, man, and bitch slapped Muhammad. In the here and now, they must face  judgement for breaking mans laws .Each of these seven people knew right from wrong. After death they will face judgement. Eating of the fruits of zaquum for eternity is appropriate.

Please go to the following sites to gain more information about this topic. I read these articles before writing my blog.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Truth about the release of 200 Yazidi captives by I.S.I.S. today

Just watched CNN and saw a news release about I.S.I.S. releasing about 200 Yazidi children and elderly women. It was not out of the goodness of their heart. Nobody acted as a go between for their release. Allah did not wipe the slime from their heart. It was economics. These children and elderly could not be sold as slaves. Bullets are getting expensive. Those that torture, mutilate, and kill need a break. I.S.I.S. handed out pamphlets in their places of worship in December to tell the men how to have sex with underage Yazidi girls.It also told them how to go about sharing their sex slaves. Go to the following Internet page for videos about I.S.I.S. and their acts of abomination.

There are other video's on this site. Please watch all of these videos and learn about their every day action that serve hell.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Actions of Outhouse Inhabitants

     The French magazine murders had an effect that the terrorists did not plan on. People did not become frozen with fear. The world became "Je Suis Charlie."

     As news agencies were covering these murders, the cowards slithered out of the sewers. The Urban Dictionary gives an appropriate definition that describes these cowards.

" A human being that physically has male reproductive organs but doesn't know the first thing about being a real man.

Al-Quaeda slithered out of its hole and laid claim to these murders. I.S.I.S. oozed from the cracks in their outhouse  to try to lay a claim. Both are "piss ants in a piss fight."

     Al-Qaeda, I.S.I.S., and other terrorists have been wrong on so many levels. On one level they border on blasphemy. No matter what name you call him, God has never asked people to kill in his name.  His words and teachings were perverted to justify murder. The judgement and punishment for this from God will be bad on judgement day.

The following will take you to sites to get more informatiom for you knowledge base.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Mainstream Faith Practice

     A couple of days ago, I watched I  a news program by Wolf Blitzer on CNN. A prominent Muslim and Rabbi were talking about terrorists  They agreed about  most talking points except one. The Muslim was asked why mainstream members of his faith practice did not speak out against radical Muslims. He talked in circles. It eventually came down to "Why should they speak out?"

     I had to think about my answer. On CNN this afternoon it came out during the  afternoon news that about 3400 westerners had joined the radical Muslim groups. These people were looking for something that they felt their current faith practice did not offer. The Muslim mainstream needs to step up and vocally speak out  about why they have what these westerners are looking for. They can teach what Muhammad really said. It goes without saying that Mainstream Christians must do the same. Rabbi's need to speak out about what Judaism has to offer. No one spoke out about they have to offer in place of the psychopathic radical Muslim terrorists. Guess who speaks out about what they have to offer? The psychopaths speak out.

     I have typed in some addresses where a person can go an find out about the three faith practices that I listed. If what you want is no there, go on the internet and type in religious faith practice.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Regarding the Terror Attacks: My Cartoon

I believe strongly that if you do not do anything to stop a wrong you are just as guilty as those who commit the wrong. If terrorists are afraid of cartoons, that shows their deep paranoia and illiteracy. It also shows they are trying to hide their wrongdoing with more violence. This is the doodle I drew while watching the Paris Terrorist Attacks. My apologies as I really can't draw.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


     Watched the news on television this morning. Noted that a new to me term was used in regards to terrorist groups. Googled the term AQIM. Scrolled down the page to images. They had  pictures of various murderers that I have seen on other googled web sites of the damned. Please go to the web site I provided directions for. Its just al-qaeda.

Monday, January 12, 2015

I.S.I.S. - A fresh fecal stain in the pants of the universe

     It does not matter what name that you call yourself. What matters is your actions and the words that fall from your mouth. Daehes has been incredibly busy. Daw"aish has not been far behind. These two words describe most of the subgroups in ISIS.  Please go to the following page to find out the definitions of these words  


     I cleaned up the following definition I heard while in a hospital waiting room. It defines all terror groups and associates. I like it.

"Isis is nothing more than a  fresh fecal stain in the pants of the universe."    
   They allowed their bodies to be inhabited by the red djin.  It happened when they made one bad mistake, This mistake has been made by some members of all the worlds faiths practices. Truth is unchanging. It has been the same from the start of time and will be unchanged at the end at the end of time.  They changed sacred texts. Please go to the following page to find out about red djinn.


     When someone changes sacred texts to serve their desires here on earth, it has an immediate consequence,.This act instantly allows their their body to be inhabited by the red djin (devils) of their faith.

    Once the door is opened, Iblis sends more of what ever is needed to complete the job. The person becomes full of evil. Life has no meaning because their souls serve Iblis. It takes more of any thing to feel. They maim, mutilate,rape and murder like the average normal person breaths air. Only the truly damned would commit jihad by rape.

     They know where they are going when the angel Israfril sounds his horn. Most likely that knowledge is what inspired their latest slap to the face of Muhammad. I.S.I.S. wants people in western countries who are slow mentally and socially backward to join them in a task, The task is to kill intelligence officers,police, soldiers, and civilians. In other words, innocent people. Please go to the following page to find out about Muhammad and the angel Israfil. 

     All I can figure is that they are afraid. Going to hell to "supp on the fruits of zaqqum" is scary. They are trying to get groups of people to go with them, Don't keep them company. Please go to the following page to read about zaquum.




Sunday, January 11, 2015

Boko Haram in service to Iblis

     Got up early this morning and was watching CNN,  Iblis has goaded a group of his backward children to his service this past week. They have tortured, maimed, mutilated, and murdered an estimated 2,000 men, women, and children. These were not warriors or activists. They were villagers concerned with living day to day. Only the most backward and lowest demon from hell wold strap a bomb to a 8 year old child and detonate it remotely when she entered the market.

     Listening to their verbal diarrhea is hard. Straining through the ramblings of their demon influenced minds, I found a jewel of ignorance. Boko Haram wants to establish an Islamic State in Nigeria. My first thought is with what? They are killing off the local population. Survivors are fleeing. Those that remain are having their children kidnapped for use as sex toys. Soon there will be no one left in this area for them to kill or abuse except for farm animals.

     There is a solution. Boko Haram should kidnap all the members of Al-Quada, Isis,Taliban, and other jihadists. These groups and associated individuals should be placed in the area they want to be their Islamic state. I wonder what group will come out on top and impose their will on others. Mostly, I wonder if any will be alive,


Friday, January 9, 2015

A false title - Lone Wolf

     A wolf is a predatory pack animal. It has qualities that are admired by many. Native Americans have many myths and legends involving the wolf. People worldwide are protecting the species. They have a place and a purpose in the world.

     Terrorist are the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder one step above muck. Muck has a purpose. Dung serves as food for the dung beetles eggs. Even garbage has multiple uses. There is a purpose for dung and garbage.

     There is no purpose or place in life for terrorist. The bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder can be given to a life form as they are elevated up from the muck. Terrorists are mistakes. They torture, maim, mutilate, and kill for fun. Innocent people are killed because terrorist have a brain that does not work appropriately for planet earth. They use any random thought no matter how incomplete or wrong to indulge their sadistic pleasures. So please do not refer to them in any way or fashion as a wolf.
     Call them what they are. They are lone cowards.  They have the required male reproductive organs that classifies them as male. A few are actually females. Fortunately their faulty brain prevents most reproduction of these mistakes.

     These lone cowards need to be placed in a prison mental hospital for life.  Their deviant urges need to be controlled for the sake of the innocent. Mistakes can not be rehabilitated. The rare few that can still need to be contained for life. Death of any innocents must be paid for.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Je Suis Charlie


Dear readers, please pray for the murdered and those they have left behind.

 Je Suis Charlie


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

France Terror Attacks: Their stupidity is exceeded only by their ignorance

Hi guys. Happy New Year! As Always, please click on the blue text/underlined text for hyperlinks.

Truth is unchanging. It's the same from the beginning of time until the end of time. What does change is mankind itself.

Religion is one word that I will never use. It generally describes people in a cult. For me, the term I prefer to use is Faith Practice as it describes how people of all nations and faiths worship God.

Every faith practice has minions from hell that pervert the word of God. It is up to the followers of God to know what the truth is. If a religious leader changes the word in the sacred texts to what they want it to mean, it should be a red flag to you.

In the Islamic faith, those who do so are inhabited by the red djinn. Following the liars lets the red djinn inhabit your body. This, sadly will have you supping on the fruits of Zaqqum after you die as Izra'il will bring you to God's judgement and he sentences you for your sins.

This morning I witnessed on CNN what happened in France. The various videos showed what I called 'Prison Butt Bitch Wannabes'. Please tell me why shooting numerous people working in a satirical magazine spreads your message of God's love? Have you Butt Bitch wannabe's held a job? Have you even looked for work? Or did you wake up today thinking that you were going to apply to be a Butt Bitch? Did you look at yourself in the mirror and say "I wanna house many dicks in my ass, regardless of what Surat Al-Araf 7:80-84, more especially to emulate those who wanted to assault the angels as they did in Lot's city...and to ignore the hadiths including Sunan al-Tirmidhi who stated Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him said: Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and receiver"

The stain on your soul will be dark and will send you to the larder of Iblis instead of Heaven when Israfil blows his horn. I understand he loves to snack on the dark souls out there.

Murder is not acceptable to any faith practice, as it is the work of Satan, Iblis, et al. The only Deity that I know of who demands murder is Kali and the work of her Thuggee cults, more so in the past history.

O Murderers of innocents, if you were so sure Allah smiled on your cause, WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY IN A CAR? WHY NOT ACCEPT THE REWARD OF WHAT YOU DID?

Dear readers, please pray for the murdered ones and those they have left behind.

As we are Americans, but because we have French ancestry:

 Je Suis Charlie
