Wednesday, January 7, 2015

France Terror Attacks: Their stupidity is exceeded only by their ignorance

Hi guys. Happy New Year! As Always, please click on the blue text/underlined text for hyperlinks.

Truth is unchanging. It's the same from the beginning of time until the end of time. What does change is mankind itself.

Religion is one word that I will never use. It generally describes people in a cult. For me, the term I prefer to use is Faith Practice as it describes how people of all nations and faiths worship God.

Every faith practice has minions from hell that pervert the word of God. It is up to the followers of God to know what the truth is. If a religious leader changes the word in the sacred texts to what they want it to mean, it should be a red flag to you.

In the Islamic faith, those who do so are inhabited by the red djinn. Following the liars lets the red djinn inhabit your body. This, sadly will have you supping on the fruits of Zaqqum after you die as Izra'il will bring you to God's judgement and he sentences you for your sins.

This morning I witnessed on CNN what happened in France. The various videos showed what I called 'Prison Butt Bitch Wannabes'. Please tell me why shooting numerous people working in a satirical magazine spreads your message of God's love? Have you Butt Bitch wannabe's held a job? Have you even looked for work? Or did you wake up today thinking that you were going to apply to be a Butt Bitch? Did you look at yourself in the mirror and say "I wanna house many dicks in my ass, regardless of what Surat Al-Araf 7:80-84, more especially to emulate those who wanted to assault the angels as they did in Lot's city...and to ignore the hadiths including Sunan al-Tirmidhi who stated Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him said: Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and receiver"

The stain on your soul will be dark and will send you to the larder of Iblis instead of Heaven when Israfil blows his horn. I understand he loves to snack on the dark souls out there.

Murder is not acceptable to any faith practice, as it is the work of Satan, Iblis, et al. The only Deity that I know of who demands murder is Kali and the work of her Thuggee cults, more so in the past history.

O Murderers of innocents, if you were so sure Allah smiled on your cause, WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY IN A CAR? WHY NOT ACCEPT THE REWARD OF WHAT YOU DID?

Dear readers, please pray for the murdered ones and those they have left behind.

As we are Americans, but because we have French ancestry:

 Je Suis Charlie


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